Thursday, August 27, 2020
Geography Essay Sample Summer in Different Parts of the Globe
Topography Essay Sample Summer in Different Parts of the Globe Geology Essay Sample: Summer in Different Parts of the Globe On the off chance that you will compose a school paper, it’s a smart thought to take a gander at a model first. This will assist you with understanding the structure of an exposition and what should be incorporated. Here is a topography paper test for you to reference when you compose your own geology artful culmination. Regularly, individuals believe that mid year is warm, and the sun is continually sparkling. This isn't generally the situation for summer shifts in better places far and wide. There isn't one single meaning of the period when it is taken a gander at from a worldwide stance. There is a bunch of contrasts between each country’s summer season and what it resembles. On the off chance that you live in the northern half of the globe, you realize that late spring happens in June, July, and August. The individuals who live in the southern half of the globe experience summer in December, January, and February. Few out of every odd nation has their mid year season simultaneously. This is one of the significant contrasts between summers in better places the world over. Another variety in summer far and wide is that a few spots get hotter and drier while others get hotter and wetter. Drier atmospheres regularly experience dry spells in the mid year, which curtails their yield creation. Tropical zones are known to be increasingly sticky, which implies that mid year is the â€Å"wet season†. This is likewise the season where the most vegetation develops in tropical nations. Hong Kong has a sub-tropical atmosphere, which implies that they become a considerable lot of their harvests throughout the mid year season. By and large, there are a couple of urban areas that are more sultry than the entirety of the rest. Kuwait City, Karachi, and Ahvaz frequently arrive at the most elevated temperatures when contrasted with others. Especially, in Kuwait City, the temperature may arrive at 44 degrees Celsius, which is equal to 111 degrees Fahrenheit. This is basic throughout the mid year months from June to August. This city, alongside Karachi and Ahvaz, encounters in excess of a couple of negative impacts from the blistering climate. The residents are inclined to heatwaves and poor air dissemination. In the late spring period of 2017 in the United States, a couple of states had particularly blistering climate. These temperatures were somewhere in the range of 119 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit or somewhere in the range of 48 and 51 degrees Celsius. These particular temperatures were recorded in the southwest area, including California, Arizona, and Nevada. Arizona’s capital city, Phoenix, had arrived at the temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit multiple times in its history. The high temperatures end up being fatal and even brought about warmth waves. Obviously, this isn't what summer resembles all around the world. In New Zealand, there can at times be an absence of consistency with regards to climate. New Zealand is found generally near Antarctica. As of late, in January of 2017, this nation ought to have been encountering its mid year season. Rather, it was met with a â€Å"weather bomb†which prompted flooding and snowing. This isn't strange for the nation, which is situated in the southern side of the equator. They have persevered through extraordinary climate conditions preceding the 2017 climate bomb. Indeed, there are a great deal of ways that mid year can introduce itself all through the world. There isn't one right course to portray summer since it can appear to be unique in every city or nation. A few nations have mellow summers, while others have outrageous ones. Indeed, even a country’s summer season timing can shift by its area in either the northern or southern side of the equator. References: Birch, H. (2015, July 22). Where is the universes most sizzling city? Recovered March 21, 2018, from areas/2015/jul/22/where-world-most smoking city-kuwait-karachi-ahvaz Cheng, V., Ng, E., Chan, C., Givoni, B. (2011). Outside warm solace concentrate in a sub-tropical atmosphere: A longitudinal report situated in Hong Kong. Universal Journal of Biometeorology, 56(1), 43-56. doi:10.1007/s00484-010-0396-z Press, A. (2017, June 21). Burning summer temperatures carry most exceedingly terrible warmth to south-west US in years. Recovered March 21, 2018, from Redd, N. T. (2015, June 19). Summer: The Warmest Season. Recovered March 21, 2018, from Roy, E. A. (2017, January 23). New Zealand hit by climate bomb bringing summer day off flooding. Recovered March 21, 2018, from bomb-summer-snow-flooding Staniforth, A., Thuburn, J. (2011). Even frameworks for worldwide climate and atmosphere forecast models: An audit. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138(662), 1-26. doi:10.1002/qj.958 Waliser, D. E., Moncrieff, M. W., Burridge, D., Fink, A. H., Gochis, D., Goswami, B. N., . . . Yuter, S. (2012). The â€Å"Year†of Tropical Convection (May 2008â€April 2010): Climate Variability and Weather Highlights. Announcement of the American Meteorological Society, 93(8), 1189-1218. doi:10.1175/2011bams3095.1 As a choice, you can contact our composing administration for employing custom article writersâ who are specialists recorded as a hard copy superb geology papers and examination papers.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dan Bricklin, Bob Frankston, and the First Spreadsheet
Dan Bricklin, Bob Frankston, and the First Spreadsheet Any item that pays for itself in about fourteen days is a surefire victor. That’s what Dan Bricklin, one of the designers of the principal PC spreadsheet. VisiCalc was discharged to people in general in 1979. It ran on an Apple II PC. Most early microchip PCs had beenâ supported by BASIC and a couple of games, yet VisiCalc presented another level in application programming. It was viewed as a fourth era programming program. Before this,â companies were putting away time and cash making budgetary projections with physically determined spreadsheets. Changing a solitary number implied recalculating each and every cell on the sheet. VisiCalc permitted them to change any phone and the whole sheet would be naturally recalculated. VisiCalc took 20 hours of work for certain individuals and turned it out in a short time and let them become substantially more creative,†Bricklin said. The History of VisiCalc Bricklin and Bob Frankston concocted VisiCalc. Bricklin was reading for his Master of Business Administration degree at Harvard Business School when he got together with Frankston to assist him with composing the programming for his new electronic spreadsheet. The two began their own organization, Software Arts Inc., to build up their item. I dont realize how to answer what it resembled in light of the fact that early Apple machines had scarcely any tools,†Frankston said about programming VisiCalc for the Apple II. â€Å"We simply needed to continue investigating by segregating an issue, taking a gander at memory in the restricted troubleshooting †which was more fragile than the DOS DEBUG and had no images †at that point fix and retry and afterward re-program, download and attempt again andâ again...â An Apple II form was prepared by the fall of 1979. The group began composing renditions for the Tandy TRS-80, the Commodore PET and the Atari 800. By October, VisiCalc was a quick dealer on the racks of PC stores at $100.â In November 1981, Bricklin got the Grace Murray Hopper Award from the Association for Computing Machinery out of appreciation for his advancement. VisiCalc was before long offered to Lotus Development Corporation where it was formed into the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet for the PC by 1983. Bricklin never got a patent for VisiCalc on the grounds that product programs were not qualified for licenses by the Supreme Court until after 1981. Im not rich since I created VisiCalc,†Bricklin stated, â€Å"but I feel that Ive rolled out an improvement on the planet. That is a fulfillment cash cant buy.â Licenses? Baffled? Dont consider it that way, Bob Frankston said. Programming licenses werent doable at that point so we decided not to chance $10,000.â More on Spreadsheets The DIF group was created in 1980, permitting spreadsheet information to be shared and brought into different projects, for example, word processors. This made spreadsheet information more portable.â SuperCalc was presented in 1980, the primary spreadsheet for the mainstream miniaturized scale OS called CP/M. The mainstream Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet was presented in 1983. Mitch Kapor established Lotus and utilized his past programming involvement in VisiCalc to make 1-2-3.â Exceed expectations and Quattro Pro spreadsheets were presented in 1987, offering an increasingly graphical interface.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Research Paper Writing Service - Get a Stylish Paper
Research Paper Writing Service - Get a Stylish PaperWhen you choose a writing service to write your academic paper, it can help you with the writing style, format and style of the paper you are about to write. These are important things to consider when preparing the paper.To help you get started with your research paper writing service, you should research the type of writer they have used before. Try to research the best writer they have used in the past. This will give you an idea of what you are likely to get with the paper.They should be able to come up with a style that is suitable for your subject. Most writing services offer two styles, Traditional Style and Professional Style. This means they write for a higher standard and expect high standards from their clients. It is important that the style you are choosing is one that suits your subject matter.The amount of information you can provide in your research paper writing service should be reasonable for you. It is wise to tr y to get as much information as possible so that you can come up with the most useful paper possible.One other thing that a research paper writing service should be able to do is provide editing services. This may mean they edit your paper and make it more relevant or just make it look good.A research paper writing service should be able to make your research paper more interesting and more professional looking. It is important that you come up with a style that is appealing to your readers. This will also help your paper to get past all the editors and reviewers.A research paper writing service should also be able to give you feedback on your paper. You can ask questions of the research writing service which can help you improve on your writing skills.If you have not chosen a research paper writing service yet, it is best to try them out before you pay for their services. Make sure you like what you see and it is something that is useful to you in your future writing.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Film Analysis Southpaw, An Action / Drama Film...
It is intriguing to witness the development of technological shift in society. The newest technology has played and enormous role in media and it has a major effect on the way films and all other forms of media are originated. The style in which images, sound, and text are developed is much distinct from how it was processed many years ago. Digital Cinematography is a technique used to record and capture motion pictures as digital video images. Unlike the traditional analog film frames, digital capture provides other ways to capture motion pictures such as video tape, CD, or flash drive. With the help of digital cinematography filmmaking has become relatively easy allowing filmmakers to produce various types of films. Southpaw, an action/drama film released in 2015 directed by Antoine Fuqua is about a boxer who is subjected to a real if strenuous transformation reeling from tragedy. While movie critics found the film to be a bit clichà © the viewers didn’t seem to mind. What set this film apart from most boxing movies was Fuqua’s display of masculine aggression, intense violence but yet emotional and familial drama that keeps the viewer’s tuned into the film. His inspiration for the film was influenced by the life story of Hip-Hop cultures very own rapper Eminem. The main goal was to depict a sense of reality while making the film very relatable. From the different factors within the diachronic shot such as focus, angles, sound, montage and the fascinating interpretations that
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
UNICEF and Childrens Welfare Essay examples - 1160 Words
Health Among the many fights against poverty, improving children’s’ health is one of the major responsibilities. A healthy child becomes a healthy adult, a person who has the ability to create a better life for them, the people around them, their community, and their countries. One of the core UNICEF objectives is to improve the health of the children of the world. Most of the children deaths occur due to pneumonia, preterm birth complications, intra-partum related complications, diarrhea and malaria. The issues that prevails, is the fact that universal access to basic social services is not available, and poverty. UNICEF is addressing these threats as it works with the governments, humanitarian agencies, civil and community†¦show more content†¦The â€Å"Unite for Children, Unite Against AIDS Campaign†is dedicated to reversing the HIV and AIDS epidemic by 2015. Its work is complimentary to the Millennium Development Goal 6, which is ending HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis. Immunization One of the most cost-effective, and successful public health interventions is immunization. The latest data states that in 2012, 111 million children received immunization with vaccines against life-threatening diseases, which further averted approximately 2-3 deaths per year and a number of episodes of illness and disability. Despite the significant gains, there are yet nearly 22.6 million children under the age of one year (approx.. 20% of children born each year) who are not immunized, which exposes them to disabilities or premature death. With immunization, a country’s growth can be boosted, as immunization makes economic sense. Though there are some challenges in being able to vaccinate all target children, UNICEF has made major initiatives and major progress. While working with governments, partners and communities, UNICEF is aiming to increase demand for immunization, establishing better cold chain and logistic systems, and increase national ownership for immunization. 36% of theShow MoreRelatedUnited Nations International Children s Emergency Fund Essay1304 Words  | 6 Pages Food and Nutrition Mary Carnahan HA 304: Global Health Care Systems November 8, 2016 â€Æ' Introduction In this paper I’m going explore â€Å"United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)†and what they do to provide food and nutrition to people in developing countries. Also in this paper I will be exploring â€Å"Community food banks†and what they do to provide food and nutrition to people in need in the U.S. There is a statement in our text that obesity results from over nutritionRead MoreAid Into Latin America And Asia Essay1685 Words  | 7 Pageshad started to extend its aid into Latin America and Asia. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Change of Circumstances and Termination
Question: Discuss about the Change of Circumstances and Termination. Answer: Introduction The present study involves issue on the legal rights and obligations of the contracting parties based on the regulations of contract law considering the elements of offer and acceptance of contract. The assignment further covers the analysis of contract law elements on form of legal relationship, intention to create legal relationship, consideration, consent and legal capacity for Clara and Joseph together with the analysis of legal capacity by Edward or Marshall. The assignment also involves the discussion and analysis of termination of contract, situations for breach of contract as well as probable remedies available to the affecting parties as per the regulations of Australian Contract Law. For the purpose of analyzing the establishment of contract between the parties, it is essential to identify the type contract entered between the parties as per the regulations of contract law. The present situation associates with the issue of failure of contingent condition in the contract work from the point of contracting party, which caused Clara and Joseph huge loss in terms of renovating the house floor. It is stated that Clara and Joseph entered into contract with Marshall to install the floating timber floor at the rate of $40 per square meter. However, the quote presented by Marshall included the term provider accepts no responsibility for defects in workmanship that was accepted by Joseph and the work started on 14 February 2017. During the process of work, the room was found flooded due to the carelessness of Marshall since the tool bag placed over the outlet of drainage system. In addition, Joseph entered into the contract at cheaper rate to complete the work as soon as the structural issues are recovered. Accordingly, the present situation incorporates the issue of legal rights and obligations to Joseph and Clara for the occurrence of flood within the room tha t destroyed the under processed timber flooring. According to the regulations of Australian Contract Law, the basic elements to bind a legal contract incorporate agreement, consideration, legal capacity, intention to create contract and certainty. In case any one of the basic elements is not present in the formation of contract, then the contract or agreement cannot be said to have formed as per the law ( 2017). In the present situation, contract between Joseph and Marshall incorporated all the basic elements with respect to agreement as the contract has been offered and agreed by both the parties against the consideration amounted to $40 per square meter. Further, both the parties, Joseph and Marshall considered to have capacity to enter in the legal contract in terms of legal age and sound mind. It has been noted that both the parties had intention to form the contract by incorporating certainty to complete the contracted work. Besides, consideration is the primary element to form a legal contract, which is a promis e to provide something in return for a receipt of promise (Townley and Riazi 2014). Referring to the case of Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth (1954) 92 CLR 424, contract between Joseph and Marshall had been supported by the consideration amount therefore, the contract was legally formed. Offer and Acceptance are the most basic and important elements of a legal contract that contains several terms and condition offered by the contractor and accepted by the contractee. In order to form a legal contract, it is essential to express the willingness to form contract that may be offered by stating definite terms and in any form like letter, email, newspaper advertisement or fax (Barroso and Sthel 2015). The present case was similar to the decided case of R v Clarke (1927) HCA 47 CLR 227 in which court held that the reward could not be claimed by Clarke since the act was not performed in reliance to the contracted offer. In case of Joseph and Marshall, the contract was formed based on the agreement mentioning that the workmanship defects will not be responsibility of Marshall that was accepted by Joseph. In addition, the decided case of Helmos Enterprises Pty Ltd v Jaylor Pty Ltd (2005) NSWCA 235 stated the legal contracting parties are required to have intention to create t he contract based on the commercial arrangements (Bayern 2015). In case of contract between Joseph and Marshall as well as the contract between Joseph and Edward involved intention to create the contract since, contract placed by Edward incorporated intention to complete the work against the consideration amount $38 per square meter. For a legal contract, it is essential to incorporate legal and genuine consent based on the reasonable grounds, which is referred in the decided case of Yerkey v Jones (1939) 63 CLR 6 (Ash and Cheesman 2016). In the present case, Joseph gave genuine consent to Marshall to complete the contracted work for the agreed amount as well as on agreed duration. The contract further involves the issue of termination and breach of contract under the regulations of Australian Contract Law. As per the principles of contract law, the rule of common law exists against the perpetuities stating that all the legal contract should include the clause of termination based on the completion of work or expiry of agreed contract duration ( 2017). The contract automatically terminates if the contract work is completed or if the fixed time of contract expires (Zagenczyk et al. 2015). Referring to the case of Battery World Pty Limited v Heavenly Bound Pty Limited (2009) NSWSC 1309, court held that the contract was not terminated automatically since the work was not completed and the duration was not expired. Similarly, in the present case, contract between Joseph and Marshall was not terminated as the flooring was due to be completed while the contracted time did not lapse. However, the contract may be terminated by other ways that includes, ex pression of right, implied right and subsequent agreement under which the contracting party is required to provide notice. In addition, if any specific event occurred, then the parties have the express right to terminate the contract that may incorporate the termination of contract by way of breach (Han 2016). As per the regulations of Australian Contract law, a contract can be terminated for breach of any terms or conditions by conducting the appropriate test to examine the contractual essentiality ( 2017). Considering the case of Fitzgerald v Masters (1956) 95 CLR 420, court held that the contract party found to breach the terms of contract and the party was supposed to repay the contracted money. In the present case, contract entered between Joseph and Marshall was not completed while Joseph terminated the contract alleging the failure in contract work performance of Marshall. Joseph contended that due the room was flooded due to placement of tool bag on the drainage outlet, which caused a portion of land was subsided while the floor was collapsed. Therefore, Joseph terminated the contract which formed termination by way of breach since the contract work and duration was still due. Similar to the case of Shevill v Builders Licensing Board (1982) 149 CLR 620, court held that contracting party was liable for the damages in the contracted work therefore. In the present case also, act of Marshall caused damage to Joseph and incurred heavy losses on part of breach of contract. Besides, Joseph did not accept any compensation amount as an apology from Marshall and eventually breached the contract. In view of the decided case laws and regulations of Australian Contract Law on breach of contract, it can be said that Joseph was liable to Marshall for breach of contract ( 2017). As the contract term offered by Marshall contained the condition provider accepts no responsibility for defects in workmanship, placement of tool bag on the drainage outlet could not be held Marshalls responsibility (Fried 2015). Besides, Joseph had the right to claim for compensatory damages as the tool bag was Marshalls property and he was responsible to place it appropriately. As the contract formed between Joseph and Marshall formed formal contract both the parties held liable as per the Australian Contract Law. Joseph was liable to breach the contract while Marshall was liable to incur contractual damage to the party due to lack of appropriate performance in the contract work. Accordingly, the remedy available to both the parties is to claim compensation for damages or the parties can claim award for specific performance and recession since the contract is a formal contr act. Conclusion Considering the above discussion on the legal formation of contract It can be concluded that Joseph and Marshall were the contracting parties. Contract between Joseph and Edward could be considered as contract as it incorporated all the basic elements but as Edward did not start the renovation work, it can be said that the Joseph was not held liable to for breach of contract. Besides, contract between Joesph and Marshall was terminated by way of breach due to the contractual work damage hence both the parties held liable to compensate for respective damages. Joseph and Marshall can apply for the contractual remedy that may be received in the form of compensatory damages as well as compensation for specific performance. Reference List and Bibliography Andrews, N., 2016. Remedies for Breach of Contract. InArbitration and Contract Law(pp. 279-333). Springer International Publishing. Ash, A. and Cheesman, E., 2016. Employment: Post-employment restraint after repudiation of an employment contract.LSJ: Law Society of NSW Journal, (21), p.76. 2017.Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2017]. BARMES, E., 2016. Remedies for Breach and for Wrongful Dismissal. Barroso, L.A. and Sthel, L.P., 2015. The Role of Objective Good Faith in Current Contract Law: For a General Duty of Inter Partes Cooperation and Solidarity.J. Civ. L. Stud.,8, p.187. Bayern, S., 2015. Offer and Acceptance in Modern Contract Law: A Needles Concept.Cal. L. Rev.,103, p.67. Fried, C., 2015.Contract as promise: A theory of contractual obligation. OUP Us. Han, S., 2016. Force majeure, change of circumstances and termination of contract.Journal of Law, Society and Development,3(1), pp.31-44. Hiscock, M.E., 2016. The Universality of Good Faith and Moral Behaviour: A Challenge for the Principles of Asian Contract Law. InLegal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order(pp. 355-367). Springer Singapore. Spitko, E.G., 2016. The Will as an Implied Unilateral Arbitration Contract.Fla. L. Rev.,68, p.49. Townley, A. and Riazi, M., 2014. Analysis of authentic legal negotiation: Implications for teaching contract negotiation to undergraduate law students.International Journal of Language Studies,8(4). Zagenczyk, T.J., Cruz, K.S., Cheung, J.H., Scott, K.L., Kiewitz, C. and Galloway, B., 2015. The moderating effect of power distance on employee responses to psychological contract breach.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,24(6), pp.853-865.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Trauma, Development, and Spirituality Essay Example
Trauma, Development, and Spirituality Paper Spiritual development and the counter effects it as on trauma will also be discussed. To conclude, this paper will provide suggestions for future research relating to physical health and nutrition and the positive effects they have on a childs mental health and overall well- being. Trauma and the Effects on Neural Development Children exposed to trauma may experience attachment issues or unpredictable emotions, which include flashbacks, strained relationships, physical symptoms such as nausea, headaches, depression or anxiety (American Psychological Association, 2015). When children are exposed to constant conflict or stress it can affect their growth and development significantly. High conflict marriages, families living in poverty or children dealing with the divorce of their parents can create very stressful environments. According to Amatol et al. (2000), empirical research confirms that children of divorce are at an increased risk for the development of psychological, behavioral and academic problems (as cited in Connelly Green, 2009). Children from high conflict divorce often fare worse compared to children whose parents have a more amicable divorce (Brooks, 2014). Constant conflict and high levels of stress increase stress hormones which reverts the child from having the capability of calming themselves down. Parents who are incapable and unwilling to get along are engaged in a relationship that can be very alluring and seductive. While this type Of relationship remains dysfunctional it still keeps the couple connected. Because of the alluring nature many parents continue to engage in high conflict relationships and as a result children face devastating developmental consequences that affect their overall well-being. We will write a custom essay sample on Trauma, Development, and Spirituality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Trauma, Development, and Spirituality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Trauma, Development, and Spirituality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Developmental Delays Following Trauma Many children in the United States grow up in households where psychological maltreatment is ever present. Feldman (2014) states that psychological maltreatment occurs when parents or other caregivers harm childrens behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or physical functioning (p. 257). For many children this form of maltreatment has been associated with low self-esteem, lying, misbehaver and underachievement in school (Feldman, 2014). Additionally, the brain of the child endures permanent changes due to abuse and neglect. Feldman (2014) provides the following information on childhood maltreatment and abuse: Childhood maltreatment can lead to reductions in the size of the magical and hippopotamus in adulthood. The stress, fear, and terror produced by abuse may also produce permanent changes in the brain due to overpopulation of the limbic system. The limbic system is involved in regulating memory and emotion. When the limbic system is overestimated it can cause the child to experience antisocial behavior in adulthood (p. 257). The developmental delays that may occur due to trauma prove detrimental to a childs development. Resilience training is very beneficial when caring for a child who has suffered a traumatic event. Resilience is the ability to overcome circumstances that place a child at high sis for psychological or physical damage (Feldman, 2014, p. 258). Traumatic events are unavoidable and everyone will experience at least some form of trauma in their lifetime. The importance of resilience cannot be overlooked, it is a powerful tool that can be used to reverse the negative effects of trauma. Trauma and the Variation between Cultures Trauma varies among cultures. Children who are born and raised in war torn countries experience very different levels of trauma compared to children who are not exposed to war. Coleridge (2001 ) provides the following: Afghanistan refugee children experience war, murder of parents, arid labor and marriages at an early age (as cited in Streetwalker Hoot, 2008). The consequences of war are real and for many young people these legacies remain just below the surface and find expression in depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (Burry Hayward, 2013). Burry Hayward (2013) also state that, resilience of the Afghanistan people is remarkable, with their ability to rebound in the face of tragedies, to move forward in life and to make the best of their situations (p. 3). Children who are raised in countr ies that are devastated by war are exposed to many horrifying crimes against humanity. The resilient nature of these children set them apart from other children. The desire to survive is so powerful that they continue to live even in the face of war and terror. Spiritual Development and the Counter Effects on Trauma Relationship, Absent;King, Wagoner, Benson (2006) state the following: Spirituality and religion may serve a particular protective function when the family faces significant adversity, such as poverty, chronic health problems in a family member, the death of a family member, or other traumatic experiences. In times of difficulty, turmoil, or crisis, religious practices and levels can provide intrinsic benefits as well as enhance the support available to the family (p. 359). Dry. Brooks explains in her video that faith and spirituality can be used to calm the nervous system during times of stress. She refers to this part of the brain as the God part of the brain (Brooks, 2014). God created us to worship and to seek Him. Therefore, the brain releases a calming sense when one becomes connected with Him through worship and prayer. Relationship et al. (2006) states, the sense that a divine power can work through ones own and others prayers adds a unique element of comfort not mound in nonstructural sources of social support (p. 359). Spiritual development is a crucial component that can be used to help children overcome traumatic events. Spirituality benefits our life emotionally, physically and gives a person sense Of purpose (Dangle Sings, 2012). Conclusion The devastating effects of childhood trauma often leads to psychological disorders. The use of antidepressant drugs has become a popular treatment for a variety of childhood psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety (Feldman, 2014, p. 281). These types of medications are being prescribed for young people at an alarming rate. More than 10 million prescriptions are written annually for children under the age of eighteen (p. 281 Advocates for the use of these drugs stand behind them because they are found to treat psychological disorders quit e well. However, the long term side effects need to be researched further. There is some evidence linking the use Of antidepressant medication with an increased risk of suicides? (Feldman, 2014, p. 281). While the drugs are effective at masking the symptoms of depression and anxiety, one easily becomes dependent on them. Research could benefit by switching focus from pharmaceutical options and move to a more organic approach to healing. Longitudinal studies over many years in Guatemalan villages show that childrens nutritional backgrounds are related to several dimensions of social and emotional functioning (Feldman, 2014, p. 276). Children who received more nutrients were more involved with their peers, showed more positive emotion, and had less anxiety than their peers who had received less adequate nutrients (p. 276). Children growing up in the United States are exposed to many toxins in their environments. The meals consumed by many American families consist of processed nutrient deprived foods. School lunch programs have also failed to meet the nutritional needs Of students. Physical education and time for play during recess has decreased allowing additional concentration on academic achievement. All these factors play into the healthy development in children. Our bodies are being deprived the nutrients God intended for all of us to have in order to live healthy lives. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and filled with love (Ephesians 4:16). Further research is needed on the importance of nutrition and physical health during childhood especially relating to children who are suffering from psychological disorders.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Unbroken UnbrokenI wouldn't know how to describe a painting or a sonata, but I can tellsomeone how I feel, though they rarely know what I mean. Words fail me often,but nobody notices. They aren't listening anyway. One person knows me.When I talk to him I feel like a knife in a drawer, because my words have power.The possible damage would be irreparable.He and I are like a house falling apart. Our sidewalk is askew and ourmailbox is missing. It is painted pink and yellow. We love it, it's unique. Lastnight I stomped my feet through the floorboards because I wanted to feel my toesin the earth. I pushed my hands through the ceiling and kicked down the walls. Iknow he wonders why I do things like that. I just wanted to let some air in. Isaid, 'Look hon, now we can see the stars.'Mind ControlHe brushed off the debris and putme to bed. He won't sleep tonight.His thoughts stay up with the moon trying to exercise the demons in hismind. Too intelligent, too spiritual for his own peace. A shaman, unstu ck intime. A stroke of genius and a slap in the face of this world. Always restless,searching for answers. Impulsive and inspired, writing down his thoughts.Funny stories about Elvis and his followers, the Elvi, or dirty poetry. Paintinghis visions on sheets that hang from the eaves or painting me with psychedelicdesigns. It doesn't matter which. All of it makes me want him more.Some things I say to him are like sour notes played too often. I'm out oftune. He always sings along. Our waltz is better than most, I suppose. Weknow the steps by heart. The world moves...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Security, Privacy and Ethical Issues in Information Systems Essay
Security, Privacy and Ethical Issues in Information Systems - Essay Example Whenever a user travels the cyberspace, (s)he leaves his/her identity at almost every step of the way (Privacy Rights Clearing House, 2006). Whether one is signing up for internet service with Internet Service Provider (ISP), sending emails, browsing internet sites, or using a search engine to locate required information, the identity of the machine is being shared, and it can be misused by someone masquerading as someone else (, 2007). There is a growing concern about the security of personal and private information over the internet and web-based applications; spy-ware, viruses, worms, trojans and information leakage through social engineering are all evils generated one way or the other by the internet. In addition, many businesses gather and store personal information of the potentially new and existing customers in their systems which give rise to privacy and information security issues. When anyone attempts to make a payment online using credit cards and other ins truments, the security and confidentiality of the transaction is perhaps, the biggest concern. As a result, the consumers' trust in the web-based applications has declined. ... Several techniques have been developed to ensure the security of private information over the internet and to mitigate the risk of personal information misuse. A formal security policy governs the management's ideology, direction and operating procedures towards ensuring security and privacy of information. Many organizations now employ encryption mechanism like Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for transmission security and Digital Certificates to ensure non-repudiation and third-party assurance in the form of digital certificate (Newmann, 2003). Several privacy laws and regulations have been developed to regain customers' trust in e-commerce systems and online information sharing. The most accepted standard for ensuring information security and privacy is the British Standard Institute (BSI) guidelines called ISO27001 Information Security Management Systems. This standard deals with the applying adequate controls to ensure confidentiality, availability, and integrity of information; and pr otection of legal, privacy and security rights of the customers. Other regulations include copyright infringement laws and related policies that address the issues of information theft. 1.4 Computer Ethics In addition to security and privacy laws and regulations, companies also adopt information ethical standards to strengthen their systems of internal controls. An ethical problem can be defined as the argument with regard to one's values, in selecting one of the two paths based on the pressure and demands of a situation (Charlesworth Sewry, 2002, p.163).Â
Friday, February 7, 2020
E-Commerce Business Models And Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
E-Commerce Business Models And Concepts - Essay Example Due to this, they end up not meeting the set objectives and being ineffective. The core reason of this is poor development, and the fact that most of these sites do not meet minimum software quality requirements. As the business world becomes more competitive, website firmly hold the position of one of the most crucial tools a company must possess in order to maintain a competitive advantage. Armed with an e-commerce site companies become more flexible, and are able to adjust accordingly with market dynamics. It is evident that many companies now realize the importance of websites as a tool to gain market share and improve sales. This paper is intended to highlight the essential parts of quality e commerce sites, and through the identification of current market trends show the best concepts applicable in a successful online store. Business Background The Horchow management structure consists of activities such as the allocation of tasks, supervision and coord ination, which are directed towards the accomplishment of the aims of the company. The company structure mainly participates in the accomplishment of the company goals this is because the company has several dedicated employees whose main agenda is to assist the company to achieve his company's goals. Most flourishing companies like unique home decor, Paul Michael Company, Bensons would not have reached the places they are without their websites (Plumley & Wyrostek, 2011). Horchow has several supervisor is in each and every department, this ensures the employees work up to the required standard. This contributes to the making of designing high quality decor products because the management has catered everything governing the employees work. The company uses various business models to make it distinct from other companies. The business models also help to describe the organizational architecture of capture mechanisms, delivery which are employed by the company's enterprise. The compa ny has applied business models such as, collecting intelligence, user generated content, and improving the available systems. It also uses transport services such as airline and private courier services to ensure their products are available all over the continent. The goals of the business are primarily marketing the products on sale and making sure they increase their profits though online sale and delivery. The company also seeks to be capable of running consumer satisfaction surveys so as to assist they gauge their progress. Finally, the ultimate goal is to ensure that the company becomes a reputable and among the most respected and successful in this field of business The website will, therefore, be designed so as to make sure the company achieves most of its goals in the most efficient way possible. The website will become a partial platform for the marketing department. This is because many people nowadays depend on the internet for many things, making it an easier place to a ccess customers. The products will be marketed by posting them on the website and giving information on the latest home decors awaiting release and those already in the market. In order to enhance marketing, company will have to alias with the most visited websites and have accounts in social platforms such as Facebook, linked in, twitter and MySpace among others. Secondly the company will should be able to give customers the ability to purchase items and request them to get delivered to supported locations. The products shall be priced ant the availability of a customer to purchase the items collectively using a virtual card. This will
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Aida Model Essay Example for Free
Aida Model Essay Every day were bombarded with headlines like these that are designed to grab our attention. In a world full of advertising and information – delivered in all sorts of media from print to websites, billboards to radio, and TV to text messages – every message has to work extremely hard to get noticed. And its not just advertising messages that have to work hard; every report you write, presentation you deliver, or email you send is competing for your audiences attention. As the world of advertising becomes more and more competitive, advertising becomes more and more sophisticated. Yet the basic principles behind advertising copy remain – that it must attract attention and persuade someone to take action. And this idea remains true simply because human nature doesnt really change. Sure, we become increasingly discerning, but to persuade people to do something, you still need to grab their attention, interest them in how your product or service can help them, and then persuade them to take the action you want them to take, such as buying your product or visiting your website. The acronym AIDA is a handy tool for ensuring that your copy, or other writing, grabs attention. The acronym stands for: Attention (or Attract) Interest Desire Action. These are the four steps you need to take your audience through if you want them to buy your product or visit your website, or indeed to take on board the messages in your report. A slightly more sophisticated version of this is AIDCA/AIDEA, which includes an additional step of Conviction/Evidence between Desire and Action. People are so cynical about advertising messages that coherent evidence may be needed if anyone is going to act! How to Use the Tool: Use the AIDA approach when you write a piece of text that has the ultimate objective of getting others to take action. The elements of the acronym are as follows: 1. Attention/Attract In our media-filled world, you need to be quick and direct to grab peoples attention. Use powerful words, or a picture that will catch the readers eye and make them stop and read what you have to say next. With most office workers suffering from e-mail overload, action-seeking e-mails need subject lines that will encourage recipients to open them and read the contents. For example, to encourage people to attend a company training session on giving feedback, the email headline, How effective is YOUR feedback? is more likely to grab attention than the purely factual one of, This weeks seminar on feedback. 2. Interest This is one of the most challenging stages: Youve got the attention of a chunk of your target audience, but can you engage with them enough so that theyll want to spend their precious time understanding your message in more detail? Gaining the readers interest is a deeper process than grabbing their attention. They will give you a little more time to do it, but you must stay focused on their needs. This means helping them to pick out the messages that are relevant to them quickly. So use bullets and subheadings, and break up the text to make your points stand out. For more information on understanding your target audiences interests and expectations, and the context of your message, read our article on the Rhetorical Triangle. 3. Desire The Interest and Desire parts of AIDA go hand-in-hand: As youre building the readers interest, you also need to help them understand how what youre offering can help them in a real way. The main way of doing this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants. So, rather than simply saying Our lunchtime seminar will teach you feedback skills, explain to the audience whats in it for them: Get what you need from other people, and save time and frustration, by learning how to give them good feedback. Feature and Benefits (FAB) A good way of building the readers desire for your offering is to link features and benefits. Hopefully, the significant features of your offering have been designed to give a specific benefit to members of your target market. When it comes to the marketing copy, its important that you dont forget those benefits at this stage. When you describe your offering, dont just give the facts and features, and expect the audience to work out the benefits for themselves: Tell them the benefits clearly to create that interest and desire. Example: This laptop case is made of aluminum, describes a feature, and leaves the audience thinking So what? Persuade the audience by adding the a stylish look, thats kinder to your back and shoulders. You may want to take this further by appealing to peoples deeper drives giving effortless portability and a sleek appearance and that will be the envy of your friends and co-workers. 4. Conviction As hardened consumers, we tend to be skeptical about marketing claims. Its no longer enough simply to say that a book is a bestseller, for example, but readers will take notice if you state (accurately, of course!), that the book has been in the New York Times Bestseller List for 10 weeks, for example. So try to use hard data where its available. When you havent got the hard data, yet the product offering is sufficiently important, consider generating some data, for example, by commissioning a survey. 5. Action Finally, be very clear about what action you want your readers to take; for example, Visit now for more information rather than just leaving people to work out what to do for themselves. See more at: file:///C:/Users/GOPAL%20RATHORE/Downloads/
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Battle of the Bulge :: World War II History
The Battle of the Bulge The purpose of this speech for the class is to gain better knowledge of one of the most tragic and devastating battles of World War II, the Battle of the Bulge. To Better understand The Battle of the Bulge I will explain to you the cause of the battle, location of the battle, when it took place, who was the battle fought between, the number of soldiers involved, and the number of casualties. The prelude to the Battle of the Bulge began on a winter day in mid-December of 1944. Three powerful German divisions, were the last German offensives in the west at that time during World War II. They began after the Normandy invasion in June 1944. Allied had forces swept rapidly through France but became stalled along the German border earlier that year in September. On December 16, 1944 taking advantage of the weather, which kept the Allied aircraft on the ground, the Germans launched a counteroffensive through the semi-mountainous and heavily-forested Ardennes region in Germany, and advanced 31 miles into Belgium and northern Luxembourg near the Meuse River. Their goal was to trap four allied armies, divide the Americans and the British to force negotiated peace along the western front, and retake the vital seaport of Antwerp in Belgium. Thinking the Ardennes was the least likely spot for a German offensive, American staff commander chose to keep the thin line, so that manpower m ight concentrate on offensives north and south of the Ardennes known as the "bulge" in the Allied lines. These American lines were thinly held by three divisions in the Allied Army and part of a forth division, while fifth division was making a local attack and the sixth division was in reserve. Division sectors were more than double the width of normal defensive fronts, therefore there were more men scattered along a larger area. The German advance was halted near the Meuse River in late December. Even though the German Offensive achieved total surprise, nowhere did the American troops give ground without a fight. Within three days, the determined American stand and the arrival of powerful reinforcements insured that the ambitious German goal was far beyond reach. In snow and sub-freezing temperatures the Germans fell short of their interim objective- to reach the rambling Meuse River on the edge of the Ardennes. But they managed to avoid being cut off by an Allied Pincer movement.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Motivational Methods Paper Essay
Every manager in an organization must develop the necessary skill of motivation, and apply it to their staff in order to work more efficiently. This ability is a key role for each department and it is of utmost importance that it be applied in a manner that is both beneficial to the organization and staff as well. Each staff member has a role to play in accomplishing goals and it is the duty of the managers to facilitate and motivate their staff. This paper will address three motivational methods to motivate staff for upcoming changes for the organization. Motivation can be defined as: â€Å"Forces within individuals that account for the level, direction, and persistence of effort they expend at work.†(Lombardi, Schermerhorn, 2007). Individuals who possess a strong work ethic and integrity will put 110 percent into their job, those who do not will do just enough to slide by and stay under the radar. Managers must motivate and inspire staff to continue to give that 110 percent while receiving acknowledgment and respect. In other words; â€Å"Motivation is getting people to do what you want them to do because THEY WANT to do it. The challenge is to give them a reason to want to do it because doing it will satisfy a need they have. You have to tune in to their needs, motives and reasons, not yours.†(Saleem, 2007). Upon learning that upper management is going to implement changes within the organization a manager is tasked with identifying what makes their staff motivated, what makes them perform at peak levels? What does the staff need? â€Å"Needs are unfulfilled physiological or psychological desires of an individual†. (Lombardi, Schermerhorn, 2007). Each individual will have different needs; however it is possible to identify what the team needs by simply asking them. One may think that by developing a list of needs and instructing each member to put them in order of priority it is possible to get an accurate picture of where to start with the team and how to introduce the up-coming changes in a manner that will motivate the team to accept these in a positive and professional manner. Howev er, â€Å"A study, published in 1999 by Kenneth Kovach of George Mason University, compared associates’ ranking of what they wanted from their jobs with what their bosses thought was important to the associates. The results of the study were somewhat surprising. At the top of the associates’ list was interesting work, followed by appreciation of work, a feeling of being â€Å"in on things†, job security, and good wages. Employers thought good wages, job security, promotion/growth, good working conditions, and interesting work were most important to their staff.†(Bessel, 2012). The key here is to listen to the responses from the staff when asked what is important to them, and then we can identify their motivation. One motivation theory is the Two-Factor Theory, developed by Frederick Herzberg, (Lombardi, Schermerhorn, 2007), which identified that what really made the 4,000 respondents he questioned, enjoy their jobs were factors which related to the job itself, he labeled this satisfier factors. These are items such as feeling pride and a sense of achievement, recognition, and room for advancement. As it turned out, things relating to the setting of the job were what they enjoyed least about the job, he labeled this hygie ne factors. These are items such as work environment and conditions, interpersonal relations, policies, quality of supervision, and salary. These negative factors can be remedied with improving policies to enable staff to feel more satisfied in their environment, such as adding soothing environmental sounds, music, or providing chair message for example can help create a less chaotic work environment and positive hygiene factors. However, in using this method it is also important to be conscious that the two-factor theory is a complementary theory, improving the hygiene is also along with improving the satisfier factors as well. Common sense means that one follows with the other, recognition must also come along with environmental motivation. A second motivation theory is Acquired Needs Theory, from David McClelland, which is based on the needs of individuals. He identified three needs; first, the need for achievement as a desire to go above and beyond the norm of what is expected. Then second is the need for power, which could include control over others, or to be able to provide influence and responsibility over them. The third is the need for affiliation which is a desire to have friendly and warm friendships with others. (Lombardi, Schermerhorn, 2007). These are all needs that people acquire over time of life experiences and a savvy manager will create a work place that is responsive to these needs. The manager must allow these staff members to takes risks and challenges and encourage their ability to work with little supervision. Delegating higher responsibilities to these individuals creates security for the team and enables the manager to respond to other concerns that normally they may not be able to give the proper attention to. The third method of motivation is motivating through job design. Utilizing the two previous methods of motivation based on the needs of staff, a manager can then create jobs by assigning the required tasks to those individuals who are appropriate to accomplish job performance and job satisfaction for themselves as well as the organization. To make the future changes the organization is anticipating it is essential that the managers utilize their skills to â€Å"tailor job design†(Lombardi, Schermerhorn, 2007), to fit the strengths of staff with their own specific qualities and needs, this includes four specific areas, one, job simplification: identifying work processes and tasks for staff to work in clearly defined and specialized tasks. Managers can utilize lesser skilled staff to perform duties of lesser complexity, allowing others with higher skill levels to focus on areas of greater need. Job rotation allows the manager to create flexibility and understanding of other areas, creating a better relationship and moral between departments. Job enlargement integrates or combines tasks previously done by separate workers, this is an option that a manager should do with caution because it could have an opposite reaction to the motivation they are trying to create. The final alternative in job design is job enrichment which is essentially delegating some of the responsibilities of the manager to another individual creating a broader scope to their current position and allowing the manager to take on other responsibilities they may have had a hard time giving the appropriate time to. By focusing on these three types of motivational methods I intend to accomplish introducing the staff and motivating them into the future of the organization while taking into consideration their needs and skill levels to better serve them and the organization. Through personal experience, being motivated to provide superior service and customer satisfaction in the health care industry, individuals who are appreciated, recognized, and offered more responsibility will work hard to meet deadlines and provide excellent patient care. This is a win-win situation for any health care organization and management team. References: Bessel, I. (2012). Understanding Motivation: An Effective Tool for Managers. Retrieved from Kovach, Kenneth. (1999). Employee motivation: Addressing a crucial factor in your organization’s performance. Human Resource Development. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. Lombardi, D.M., & Schermerhorn, J.R. (2007). Health care management: Tools and techniques for managing in a health care environment. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Saleem, H. (2007). Motivating your staff. Retrieved from
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Leadership And Legacy Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Camelot: The Leadership and Legacy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Carson Ray Senior Division Individual Historical Paper Paper Length: 2,470 words To the average person, Camelot was an era of promise, hope, perfection, and the struggle for equality. It was America’s only real with national royalty as the people looked to the president and first lady for fashion, their connections to Hollywood and the very rich, and how to comport themselves in a most glamorous manner.. It was also a time of promiscuity, secrecy, betrayal, attitude, and youth; however, the life and presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy was much more complex than just what was observed and revered by the American public. The presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy ushered in years of equality and advancement of the great United States even while his life ended before he could realize the fulfillment of many of his ideals. His achievements are a direct result of the matchless leadership displayed by Kennedy in his presidency. The legacy of John F. Kennedy should be remembered for his privileged and rebellious childhood, innovation of the presidency and pre sidential elections, his influence and effort in the civil rights movement, his ability to fight the spread of communism, his achievements in the United States efforts in the space race, and his ability to better the nation in a short period of time. At a young age Jack Kennedy displayed great intelligence and leadership. Born intoShow MoreRelatedThe Leadership Styles of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan Essay980 Words  | 4 PagesThe purpose and the intent of this paper are to compare and contrast the leadership styles and scope of influence of two historical leaders. This paper will capture what made this historical leader effective looking at these points of interest one) Integrity, two) Knowledge, three) Sincerity of purpose and four) Care for others. 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