Monday, September 30, 2019
China’s Role in the World Economy
Over the past decades, the competitiveness of the United States economy has been outstanding because of its capacity for innovation, higher education system, market size in terms of labor and product markets, and flexible capital markets. These advantages have allowed U. S. industries to take a leadership role in the global economy, providing products and services demanded worldwide. However, the U. S. economic powerhouse faces expanded global competition. Economic liberalization throughout the world, skills upgrades in developing countries and massive technological advances mean that the United States faces expanded competition for jobs and investment. The United States’ overall competitive position in the world economy is threatened by uprising developing countries such as BRICâ€â€Brazil, Russia, India, and China. This paper will focus particularly on China’s role in the world economy. At a time when the U. S. nd other traditional economic powers are weakening, China’s economic power is strengthening, indicating that it will try to find a much more assertive role in shaping the future of the world financial order. China, after all, has one-fifth of the world’s population, or roughly twice the population of the European Union, the United States, and Japan plus a handful of other high income nations. China sees the global downturn as an opportunity and it has the resources to seize the moment. Although Chinese leaders are struggling with shrinking trade and rising unemployment, China’s economy is still growing faster than those of other major nations. Chinese banks are more stable and the Beijing government is sitting on the largest stockpile of foreign reserves in the world. China's power has been increasing in recent years as it has surged to become the third biggest economy, after the U. S. and Japan. Since the late '70s, however, China's economy has doubled every eight years. In that same period, the U. S. conomy has doubled once. Today, average Chinese have some ten times the purchasing power they had just a quarter century ago. China's growth was led by exports and investments in fixed assets, such as factories and roads. China is now a powerful trading nation, and in recent years has been an avid consumer of industrial commodities such as copper, iron ore, and steel to fuel its rapid industrialization. Additionally, another main driver of Chinese growth was the Beijing Summer Olympics whom people looked to as a defining moment of China's rise. China's run of economic prosperity has been great news for millions of Chinese who have seen their living standards improve, as well as for global trade and the broader world economy. However, with all the foreign investment China is receiving, the country will only grow more and more interdependent upon the world economy. The impressive growth rate of China’s economy is not without its shortcomings. Problems such as inflation and inefficient state-owned enterprises plague the rise of the Chinese economy. Some of China’s economic problems seem to be internal, and connected with supporting the massive population while divesting the government of money-losing businesses. Its integration into the international economic order poses major difficulties for the rest of the world. These problems include bringing China's mixed market/centrally planned economy into the GATT, adapting to competition from labor-intensive Chinese exports, encouraging further market-oriented reform, and accommodating its demand for international capital. But China's participation in the global economy also offers important opportunities for trade, investment, and international cooperation to promote world prosperity and stability. The average Chinese GDP is still very low, meaning that it is a country with a lot of poverty. Since China has limited natural resources, the incremental increase in demand for these resources will have to come mainly from imports. Demand for energy and for certain other resources will thus grow very rapidly and China will have to expend large amounts of foreign exchange on their purchase, but China will have the oreign exchange required. And it is also clear that for the developed world, we have to react intelligently and strategically to what China is doing, accepting its aspirations, but also being aware of our own national self interest, and being clear about the ways we can work together. China is a manufacture based economy and is also graduating 350,000 engineers each year, six to seven times more than the U. S. These engineers are joining the manufacturing sector where manufactures now play an important role in response to global demand. The use of information technology in organizations is inevitable, be it manufacturing. It has contributed largely to the process advancements in countries much like Eastern Asia. Chinese manufacturers, for example, will continue to seek out and perfect the implementation of the latest strategies and technologies in the future. A comparative analysis of the investment patterns of U. S. manufacturers versus China is quite astounding. †¢ U. S. Manufacturing plants spent 3% of sales on capital equipment in 2004 whereas China spent 20%. †¢ In the U. S. 53% of manufacturing plants were expected to increase their capital-equipment spending in 2005 compared to China at 72%. †¢ IT spending was expected to increase at 42% of U. S. Plants in 2005 whereas in China, 75% of plants were expected to increase their spending on IT. In short, China has a manufacturing base that is, more cost-efficient today and investing more heavily in the capital equipment and IT that will enable it to become more innovative tomorrow. The impact of information technology in global trade is on the rise, as several advancements are focused on to be implemented in various developing countries like China. American entrepreneurs have pounced on the opportunity of growth in these countries, specifically in China. China is highly populated and is increasing in middle class citizens who have enabled the creation of consumer markets in China. While continuing to grow, entrepreneurs have leaped at the chance to be apart of the business and consumer growth. They learn the Chinese culture, language, and government regulations through their own research and or with the help of locals. Using the opportunity of unpenetrated markets and low resource and production costs, these entrepreneurs are able to build successful ventures. With high business growth, more Chinese citizens are able to afford purchase of imports and exports. Certainly, China is poised to become the world’s next economic super power and largest trading entity, in terms of inward and outward trading flows. If China would keep growing at this pace its economy would be bigger than the American’s economy by 2030 (Prasad, 2004). Their success in attaining that status will depend largely on how they collectively deal with their existing and future economic issues. The economy is showing positive changes but still faces very big difficulties. Despite its problems, China's economy is forecast to grow by at least 5% this year, in stark contrast to many major global economies that are shrinking. But these are speculations about the future. As for the present, China’s emergence is already a major challenge for other developing countries, for Asia, and for the world. That challenge will not diminish anytime soon.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Egamova transfigered night
The time of first World War, a young enthusiastic man enlists as a volunteer gunner in the artillery as he has reached an impasse and sees war as a remedy. In a bar he comes across his fellow soldier, a surgeon lieutenant for whom war is an impasse, as he is trying to avoid sober realization of detrimental consequences of his civic duty by getting drunk. A lot of problems can be observed in the passage, but the most evident and tricking one is the irretrievable effect the brutality and gore of the war produces on human psychic, which comes as a quite contradictory fact since the narrator presumes that the war saved his life.To provide a profound feeling of that horrible days routine life the author inflates his text with parallel constructions, simple sentences and abundant use of lexical units representing negative connotation; these are (morbid despair, impasse, ferocious concentration, detest, etc. ) so it becomes clear that a war is by no means a remedy which the narrator was so desperately trying to find.What is more, when analyzing George's discourse a reader realizes the ambiguous nature of a war as his character is quite dual – despite all the redundancy of negative description of his appearance (ill-looking, ugly, fairly drunk, hunched over) and the absolute hopelessness in his talk (l want to go somewhere cold and dark, God preserve me from sanity) George still possessed of sinners energy which indicates to the fact that he has something background to fight or and that gives him this very kind of energy to overcome all the harsher, brutality and intoxication of that odious war.In the light of all this, any reader must not be influenced only by the superficial sense of the text, but go deeper to reveal the genuine authors message, inasmuch as any war is not merely a succession of human dying but also a glorious ground of evoking patriotism and marvelous bases for tear-jerking love stories.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analyzing A Selection Of Childrens Literature English Literature Essay
Analyzing A Selection Of Childrens Literature English Literature Essay With the birth of the field of children’s literature over two centuries old, Carnegie Medal winners represent only a small part of the history and tradition of children’s literature. The Graveyard Book (2009), the most recent addition recipient of the award, follows some of the traditions of the field, and differs in others. In my attempt to discuss how The Graveyard Book fits into the history and tradition of children’s literature, I will be comparing it with other notable works in the field, specifically, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island (1883), J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997), and Philippa Pearce’s Tom’s Midnight Garden (1958). As a fellow Carnegie winner, Tom’s Midnight Garden, offers a comparison of fantasy fiction, and when considered with Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone provides an interesting view of the changes that have occurred in the genre over the years . Treasure Island is structured similarly to The Graveyard Book, and both novels are good examples of the bildungsroman genre. In the course of this essay I will be referring to a range of critical material relevant to my discussion. The effect of children’s literature on children, and the reverse, is circular; as children’s attitudes to the world around them change, so too does the literature written for them, and as that literature changes, it again affects children’s attitudes. Furthermore, the evolution of adults’ understanding of childhood has affected which books are deemed suitable for publication. Children’s literature commonly exemplifies the beliefs and context of the culture in which it is written, however, since the majority of children’s literature is written by adults, it often reflects issues that concern adults, and not the intended audience. Adult-authors must make assumptions about the reaction of a child-reader or the beha viour of a child-protagonist, and in doing so, can sometimes offer a poor representation of a child’s perspective. This difference between the adult’s and child’s attitude to children’s literature can often be seen in the contrast between best-selling books, and those books that win literary prizes. Contrary to this, The Graveyard Book has won the Newbery Medal, Hugo Award for Best Novel, and the Locus Award for Best Young Adult novel in 2009, and the 2010 Carnegie Medal (Wikipedia contributors, 2011), spent fifteen weeks on the New York Times best-seller list for children’s chapter books (Rich, 2009), and has a film adaptation currently in production (Wikipedia contributors, 2011). Gaiman himself recognized the unusual nature of a book being both popular and prestigious, saying that typically ‘there are books that are best sellers and books that are winners’ (Gaiman quoted in Rich, 2009). The popularity and prestige of a children†™s book is dependent on a number of different elements; instruction and/or delight, and social, cultural and historical contexts (Maybin, 2009, p. 116). Maybin states that ‘prizes signify a book’s prestige in the eyes of the critics, but they are not necessarily an indication of its appeal to children’ (Maybin, 2009, p. 118). The division between the children’s books awarded literary prizes, and those that are popular with children is significant. An example of such division can be seen when comparing Philip Pullman’s Northern Lights (1995) and Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone; Northern Lights was the 1995 Carnegie Medal winner, while Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone only reached the shortlist for the 1997 Medal, but went on to win the Nestlà © Smarties Book Prize, The British Book Award for Children’s Book of the Year and the Children’s Book Award, all of which, suggestively, have invo lved children in the judging process. Like The Graveyard Book, both books are fantasy-adventure novels featuring a young protagonist. All three novels are read an enjoyed by adults and children, but while Northern Lights is considered by adults to be ‘quality’ literature, Harry Potter is criticised being not literature but a ‘phenomenon’ (Zipes, 2009, p. 289). Nicholas Tucker (2009) argues that the criteria for judging the quality of children’s books varied according to conceptions of childhood; for those with a romantic conception, the emphasis is on an exciting, imaginative storyline, whilst those who view childhood primarily as preparation for adulthood favour books that are ‘truly representative’ (Tucker, 2009, p. 153). If compared to earlier children’s books, it appears that modern children’s literature reflects the development of a clearer concept of childhood.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Write an essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Write an - Essay Example perience for me and through this time I have tried to change most of the conventional methods employed by the other teachers we have worked with and introduced more effective ways to involve the students, more so in learning. Curriculum, in my understanding, and in an educational context broadly defines the experiences that one undergoes through the educational processes. The term as defined by a variety of scholars majorly refers to a planned sequence of instructions often set by organization instructional goals. The curriculum in this sense should be able to incorporate all the learning usually organized, planned and guided by the school, carried out in groups or individually and done both inside and outside the school environment (Null, 2011). The curriculum should define the reasons for doing particular things, the range of activities to be carried out and also the designated times in which these activities are to be carried out. In totality it involves among other things the skills, performances, values and attitudes that are to be expected from students or pupils that are in the schooling systems. When taken specifically in the education system, the curriculum should entail such aspects as the cont ents of the syllabuses offered, the strategies used to achieve their set targets and also the norms and values accepted by the school systems. The curriculum as defined and applied in the several spheres of the learning environment and other setups include the explicit, implicit, hidden, excluded and extracurricular curriculum and are as described: Explicit curriculum; includes those subjects and courses that are taught, the set objectives of the school, and the specified skills and knowledge that are expected from students that undergo the schooling system successfully. Implicit curriculum; also defined as the unintended curriculum, involves the lessons that arise due to the culture of the learning institution and its behaviors, its attitudes and the various
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Research and Discussion Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
And Discussion - Research Paper Example 86 (95.6%) of these attended class on campus, and 4 (4.4%) studied off campus. 67 (74.4%) students travelled to the campus using a personal vehicle while 23 (25.6%) used public transport. Of the students recruited to the study, 32 (35.5%) belonged to the Christian faith, 23 (25.5%) were Atheists, 20 (22.2%) were Agnostic, 3(3.3%) followed Hinduism, 2 (2.2%) followed Buddhism, 1 (1.1%) was Wiccan and 9 (10%) chose not to respond. 82 (91.1%) students responded that they did enjoy being at the University; while 7 (7.8%) said that they did not. 1 (1.1%) chose not to respond. When asked to respond to how much they enjoyed University, 32 (35.6%) said that they only enjoyed it somewhat; 48 (53.3%) said Quite a lot, and 10 (11.1%) responded that they enjoyed it totally. When asked how important they found having a sense of community 4 (4.4%) found it not important at all, 3 (3.3%) found it not very important; 31 (34.4%) found it somewhat important, 37 (41.1%) found it important, 12 (13.3%) f ound it very important and 3 (3.3%) chose not to respond. The subjects ranged in age from 19 to 57 years, with a mean age of 27.58 years and an SD of 9.3 years. The SES ranking ranged from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 98; the mean ranking was 64.93 with an SD of 24.37. The subjects were found to spend from 3 to 40 hours on campus; the mean time spent on campus being 13.43 hours with an SD of 8.06 hours. The students were found to have a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 50 friends on campus; the mean being 9.16 with an SD of 8.17. Statistical tests were conducted to understand the relationships between these variables. A correlation conducted to test the relationship between the number of friends a person had and the importance they attached to having a sense of community was found to be significant at the 0.01 level [ r (85) = 0.348; p < 0.01 two-tailed]. The relationship between the age of the participants and the extent to which they enjoyed University was also found to be signific ant [p (88) = 0.289; p < 0.01 two tailed]. The correlation computed to test the relationship between the primary location of study and the importance associated with a sense of community was not significant [p (85) = 0.041; NS]. The relationship between the number of friends and the extent to which the subject enjoyed University was also not significant [p (88) = -0.031; NS]. The relationship between the time spent in Australia and the extent to which the subject enjoyed University was also not significant [p (88) = 0.173; NS]. The independent t – test conducted to test if gender did affect the extent to which students enjoyed University was found to be not significant [t (88) = 1.548; NS]. On the other hand, the independent t-test that checked if gender did affect the extent of importance attached to the sense of community was slightly significant, missing the 0.05 level of significance marginally [t (85) = - 1.785; p < 0.07 two tailed]. The t-test conducted to verify if loc ation of study affected the sense of importance of community were insignificant [t (85) = -0.382; NS]; as was the t-test to verify if the location of study affected the extent to which the student enjoyed University [t (88) = 0.018; NS]. The data collected from the focus group interviews was recorded verbatim and then analysed using the Leximancer profile; and the data thus gleaned was interpreted according to the context in which the verbatim reports were collected –
Domestic Terrorism History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Domestic Terrorism History - Term Paper Example The terror acts carried out include violent demonstrations destroying property, using any weapon that harms life especially use of grenades, poisonous gases, machine guns and others. Domestic terrorism can have gross effects on a nation as those carrying out the attacks are living among the people they want to attack. A government should be aware of the possible risk of terrorism from within and take the necessary precautions. The American government is wary of domestic terrorism more than any nation. The government comprises of several states coming together to form one hierarchical ruler -ship. The issue of mixed race also increases the chances of occurrence of domestic terrorism as one race rises against the other (Hewitt, 2003). Different religions all demanding a voice exist .Human right activists are very assertive and can stage demonstrations to air their grievances or influence one group of people against the other. With all these possible risks of terror from within, the int elligence unit has a responsibility of ensuring that the people enjoy security and peace. Domestic terrorism therefore still poses a great threat to America’s security. In the recent past, several cases of domestic attacks appear in police reports. There was the case of a man who tried to harm people in a large building with poisonous gas. Luckily, police arrested before he could execute his mission. A different case in record was when a group of people broke windows of democratic offices expressing their dissatisfaction with the services they offered. These people demanded more from them. Reported also are several other cases of people plotting out attacks and making orders for materials for use in such attacks. Other Americans reported to oppose some military activities staged a protest. According to Cleto (1999), other reports of domestic violence are cases whereby scientists face accusations of engaging in bio-terrorism either intentionally or accidentally. In such cases, chemical toxins or harmful biological materials are released into the environment, harming human or the environment. These scientists compromise on the rules of bio-security and therefore leak material. In other cases, potential terrorists gain entry into laboratories and access hazardous material. According to the rules of bio-security, such material should be inaccessible. This type of terrorism can cause gross negative effects on the environment and on man. Scientists are educated on the procedures or ensuring responsibility. In addition, they should be more aware of the people gaining entry into research laboratories. The research laboratories are fitted with a tight security system to minimize entry of unauthorized personnel. Despite all these prevention measures, bioterrorism poses a risk of harm in America. After America managed to defeat al-Qaeda, a new form of domestic terrorism evolved. Members of this group have been attempting to buy Americans, train them, and supply th em with weapons. These Americans can therefore plot terror attacks in their own country with little suspicion. Non-patriotic Americans can agree to an agreement of this type and therefore pose a threat to society. A terror attack of this type is risky as it is not easy to identify such individuals. Another form of domestic terrorism occurs when the military are involved in extra-judicial killings. In this case, the military that is supposed to protect the people harms the people. Cases like these may occur
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Chinese tea art from the Tang dynasty until recent times Essay
Chinese tea art from the Tang dynasty until recent times - Essay Example The essay "Chinese tea art from the Tang dynasty until recent times" discovers The development of Chinese tea art from the Tang dynasty until recent times in China or overseas. In China, tea came to be developed in a very funny manner. It started from the initial perception that the forefathers had about tea. Their understanding about tea was very different from the way that it is understood today. This perception originated from the agricultural god who was also known as Shannon. He was the inventor of Chinese medicine. He is also the foundation upon which the five cereals were discovered as well as the variety of herbals that are able to cure a broad range of human diseases. This god was able to do this through the engagement in tasting the varied range of herbal substances in order to master the different characteristics of the herbal medicines. As a result, he was poisoned more than seventy times on every day. However, he was able to be detoxified through the accidental eating of tea leaves. The different ways with which tea was taken were closely related to the way through which it was discovered. Tea leaves were later developed into a famous beverage subsequent to the long application process. This was during the period within which it was used as a food, medicine as well as a sacrificial offering. The Tang Dynasty is a very important period in the history of China due to its function in the expansion of the feudal society in China. This provided social conditions that were excellent for making tea.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Critical thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7
Critical thinking - Essay Example For once, social media was abuzz with a video which showed the impact that bullies in school have on general children. More than sensation, this video instilled fear in the minds of the people who were parents, teachers, and policy makers in education institutions. Would this have taken place if bullies were not treated to zero tolerance at school? Or was the world giving way to bullies and not actually creating an education system that controls such acts or thoughts, but succeeds in only controlling individuals? There is a strong suggestion that whether out of habit or frustration, the bully’s acts are only heightened when the school adopts a zero tolerance towards them and chooses to suppress them. Through our article we will take in all the aspects of bullying in school that we see in this and many other episodes around the world, and try to indicate why schools should not enforce zero tolerance policies in schools. To address the thesis the body has been divided into four main sections - Against Hope Hopened?, Psychological impact on children, Social Degradation and Demented Student Culture. The first section highlights the expectations of parents while sending their children to schools. The second section talks of the psychological aspect of bullying faced in schools. The third subheading underlines the anti-social implications of bullying and the fourth one emphasizes the recommended policies to be undertaken by schools to promote a healthy culture among students. Every time a child heads for school, his family looks forward to seeing him well educated and placed in a respectable position in the society. However, our education systems leave parents distraught when incidences of bullying and teen violence plague their child’s growth and personality development. While many worry about the safety of their children from these students, parents of bullies are
Monday, September 23, 2019
Women Maternity Clothing Store (Part 2 of Business Plan) Assignment
Women Maternity Clothing Store (Part 2 of Business Plan) - Assignment Example Majority of pregnant women are working class who require clean and appealing work attire. According to statistics the population between age 15- 19 years are at times jobless with few having successful careers hence need for product that would suit low, middle and high-income customers within the region. The region as described demands warm clothing owing to prevailing weather conditions. Weather is vital in this business and plays significant role in design of merchandises. The region experiences longer winter seasons and shorter summer seasons and is characterized by busy and low season, in this case the busy season for most stores starts during spring break ending around September. United States spring break starts around March influencing sales from maternity stores. This creates an advantage since most pregnant women would vacation away from their home states and would make whole new purchases of maternity clothing (Suttle 1). Those in the northern part require more protective clothing in form of coats and boots as compared to those within southern region due low temperatures, additionally the region is also characterized by storms and hurricane seasons which at times keep consumers away from town centers (Suttle 1). Therefore, the business needs to consider weather aspect in the planning process to avoid unnecessary losses. Despite an upward growth for maternity clothes in recent years, there is current demand for stylish maternity clothes at all pregnancy stages within the region to suit weather conditions (Ranson 1). The figure below shows the map of the target region and the level of unintended pregnancies. Majority are young expecting mothers who value trendy and stylish clothes. The United States is known to be one of the worlds largest countries, occupying an area of approximately 3,679,192 square miles (9,529,107 square
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Greek and Roman Art Essay Example for Free
Greek and Roman Art Essay Greek sculptures embody a lot of things and meanings. The way they create a certain object reflects to their psychological state that human beings are ‘the measure of things. ’ One of the known Greek artists during the ancient times is Praxiteles. He is the most famous ancient Greek artist because of his countless masterpieces such as the Aphrodite of Knidos and Nike Adjusting Her Sandal. Another well-known magnum opus that is crafted by Praxiteles is Hermes and the infant god Dionysus. Hermes and the infant god Dionysus is created by Praxiteles in a way that it is anchored to his ultimate decision of altering the rules and principles of the standard and ideal body proportions. It is the most famous example of an adult and child statuary. Praxiteles traces the Kephisodotos step by creating and sculpting a piece delineating a relationship between two figures (Praxiteles, 2008). This sculpture is found at Olympia where it has been commissioned for the said sanctuary. It conveys and expresses the secular world of the period (Hermes and the Infant Dionysus, n/d). Due to the artist’s manipulation and alteration of the standard body proportion, the adult on the artwork which is Hermes, is portrayed as tall and slender, standing in calm, tranquil and relax position. His figure encompasses various linesâ€â€from vertical, horizontal, curvilinear and spiral. Vertical lines are visible in his nose, neck and lower part of his leg. Horizontal lines are evident in his eyes and lips. Spiral lines are noticeable in his twisted and curly hair. Curvilinear dominates the whole figureâ€â€from Hermes’ face down to his feet. His phallus is not rendered. Nevertheless, a part of the male organ is still exposed and depicted. On the other hand, the baby figure, which is Dionysus, is illustrated in such a way that it is carried by Hermes in his left arm. The infant is just composed of curvilinear. He faces sideways making its physical features appear summarily represented. The cloth that wraps his lower body demonstrates horizontal lines, as well as the trunk of the tree which functions as support of the sculpture per se. On the contrary, Roman sculptures are said to be copied in Greek’s even though they are said to be purely Roman in origin and conception. Some statues are imitations and pastiche of more than one Greek original; some are combinations of Greek gods/athletes’ image and Roman head (Department of Greek Art and Roman, n/d). One of the ancient Roman sculptures which is said and believed that is copied from Greek’s is The Hope Dionysos. It embodies a retrospective Greco-Roman style (Hemingway, 2007). It is crafted during the late 1st century A. D. but during the 18th century it is restored by Vincenzo Pacetti (Vincenzo Pacetti. The Hope Dionysos: 1990. 247, 2006). The main figure in the sculpture is Dionysos. He is portrayed standing at ease and his left arm is resting on a female figure traditionally recognized as Spes, the embodiment and representation of hope. Dionysos wears a panther skin overlapping his chiton while a cloak envelops around his upper right arm and shoulder (Vincenzo Pacetti. The Hope Dionysos: 1990. 247, 2006). The statue is composed of various intricate linesâ€â€horizontal, vertical, curvilinear and spiral. The robes of the two figures possess a myriad of draperies which illustrate various vertical lines; however the cloth that is on Spes head shows curvatures. The two sculptures are depicted realistically with their complete body parts as compared to some statues that are lacking with head, arms or feet. Both sculptures possess two figures at the same time. If Hermes and the infant Dionysus showcases Dionysus as a baby, The Hope Dionysos illustrates the grown up one. The former is accompanied by a known Greek god Hermes, the latter is escorted with archaistic female figure, Spes. If Hermes is naked, Dionysos is very well-wrapped. The two statuaries imply dichotomies: the main focus (Hermes and Dionyos) and the out-of-focus (baby Dionysos and Spes), adult and baby, male and female. References Department of Greek and Roman Art. n. d. Roman Copies of Greek Statues. In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. Retrieved January 15, 2009 from http://www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/rogr/hd_rogr. htm. Hemingway, Colette. (July 2007). Retrospective Styles in Greek and Roman Sculpture. In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. Retrieved January 15, 2009 from http://www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/grsc/hd_grsc. htm. â€Å"Hermes with the Infant Dionysus. †n. d. The Museum of Antiquities Collection. Retrieved January 15, 2009 from http://www. usask. ca/antiquities/Collection/Hermes. html. Praxiteles. (2008). PEOPLE: Ancient Greece. Retrieved January 15, 2009 from http://www. ancientgreece. com/s/People/Praxiteles/. Vincenzo Pacetti: The Hope Dionysos-1990. 247. (October 2006). In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. Retrieved January 15, 2009 from http://www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/grsc/ho_1990. 247. htm . List of Figures Hermes and the infant Dionysus. n. d. Greek Art: Hermes and Dionysus of Praxiteles. Retrieved January 15, 2009 from http://www. mlahanas. de/Greeks/Arts/HermesPraxiteles. htm. The Hope Dionysos. (October 2006). Vincenzo Pacetti: The Ho
Friday, September 20, 2019
Importance of Mobile phone
Importance of Mobile phone Introduction During the past decades most people have been adopting themselves with the use of mobile phones. This has rapidly grown in different parts of the world and now, exceptionally the use of a mobile phone is as common as wearing clothes. External factors of an organisation are the ones that the business has no control of while the internal ones are under full control of the business. My manager approached me and wanted me to produce a short simple and clear report of the mobile industry. As an employee of the mobile industry it was an obligation for me to obey. This was a big challenge for me and also it was a chance for me to learn a great deal knowledge about the mobile industry. The report was supposed to cover on various external factors that have impacts on the activities of the organisation. It also included the effects on our customers and suppliers and how to improve them so as to ensure better services to the customers. The report will be categorised into different part with each part having a specific importance to the industry. These parts include PEST, SWOT and the market research which talks more about primary and secondary methods of research. Marketing is the process of anticipating, satisfying and analysing customers requirements profitability. It is very important for a business especially in ensuring the success of the business. The purpose of communication is for the organisation to present and exchange information with its stake holder according to its defined objective and to deliver specific results (Lowe 2009) Market research is the process used to describe a full range of business activities (Chisnall 1996) therefore a business carry out a research normally to identify people wants before product launching this is mainly done in order to avoid failure during product launching. Most large companies have their own market research department (Keller 2009) Primary research (Qualitative) this is refereed to as field research. Its the research that is based on quality. It is based on getting the original data about the market and the product. During approaching customers different methods of primary research can be used such as interviews, observations and questionnaires. Questionnaire is conducted by making people answer questions about the product and their views of the product. While conducting a questionnaire you learn peoples attitude, knowledge and preference of the product. During analysing my questionnaires most people where widely interested by latest mobiles with latest inbuilt software programs as this tend to provide help and support to them in the world. Its is very useful as people are able to obtain different source of data just by using their mobile phones and also they use it in many different ways which are very help full to them especially at work. People with good paying jobs tend to use mobile as reminders as well as schedule planner therefore they are always cautious. This research has its advantages and disadvantages, these are very important for a mobile company to take notice of and they will be listed below Advantages 1) it produces quality data as it tend to approach the question directly 2) its very reliable I personally went in few mobile stores to carry out a primary research This was on the 4th of February 2010 at 10:50 Am. Orange mobile store was the place. Luckily i was able to interview about 13 people from the age of 20 to 28, about different mobile requirements, specifications and its purchasing trends. The results where as follows a) Most people prefer product with many features b) People tend to buy products with affordable pricing as well good design and quality Disadvantages 1) the cost of spreading the information is spread between different users therefore it makes it very expensive 2) its very time consuming Secondary research (Quantitavily) this research is based on facts the information is second hand it already exists there fore its referred to as desk research. This data is normally obtained through sources such as newspapers, journals, internet, books and even magazines. This research is very easy and takes a short amount of time but past results can change within time there fore it can be very misleading. My secondary research involved net surfing and basing on facts it clearly shows that peoples taste has changed. More people prefer phones that are technologically advanced as they tend to cope with fashion as well as advanced mobile devices provide a wide range of help and support to customers during completing their tasks. This has different advantages and disadvantages. They include Advantages 1) Its always available and can be acquired at any time. 2) Its very cheap Disadvantages 1) It does not tackle straight away there fore its unreliable 2) Its often out of date Findings PEST analysis this is the macro environment where by the firm has very little control. It mainly consists of factors that are external. Pest is political, economical, social and technological. According to various methods used while conducting this research it was quite a challenge. The research used where primary and secondary. Political This mainly deals with the law of the country where a particular company is located. In UK each and every company must comply with the law. It must be able to comply with new changes in the countrys legal system and companies must provide training this is mainly to provide the required knowledge to the unskilled also to insure safety at work. It also encourages the unemployed to work. High tax rates that the company has to pay are also a law that the company must be prepared to meet up with. Due to this being an external factor the business has no control of but to prepare it self and though even this affect the customers disposable income as it tends to increase the price of product the company has no option but just to advertise for the product so as to encourage customers to make a purchase even though the product price might be high. The company must also be aware that the law is made with action, if not followed it cause problems to the company. Politically stability is an impor tant factor to all company as this makes the company operate in a peaceful manner as it also increase the company security and customers become more confident with the products and thus brand name improves its status. Economical Are those that affect spending patterns and international trade (Chaffey 2003) this consists of factors such as consumers income and many others which affect consumers purchasing power. This affects people spending patens even though it differs from place to place. People with high disposable income such as empty nesters tend to be little affected as they have no responsibilities and they have a high disposable income in contrast parent with young children are more affected because they are dependants. They have to look after their children as the same time they also have to save so as to pay for the childrens education. The company can launch products which mainly target the old population mainly because they have a high income. This mainly deals with money there for a company must know its market before realigns a product. The company must be prepared to respond to changes of people socials attitude and peoples buying attitudes as in different part of the world recession is one of the biggest problem there for the company must know on how to rate their prices. In the UK recession is also a major problem there for the company must understand that most people are out of jobs there for it must know how to deal with this type of situations in order to maintain its customers as most people tend not to buy luxury goods. Inflation is also another external problem thats affecting the company. The company must carefully consider this situation where by money losses its value. The company has no power over this situation because it cannot control the supply of money in a countrys economy there fore it must try its best to provide suitable options for the customers so as to ensure the safety of the company. Social This mainly shows the peoples living styles there fore it is the cultural aspects of the macro environment, the industry needs to ensure product safety as most people have become cautious with their health and also the company should insure proper production methods of the product as to ensure safety of its customers. We can see at present most people are careful about their health where by the company must act in response with these various changes so as to ensure safety in the mobile industry. Social way of life changes from time to time and in the UK at present Scientists claim radiation from handsets are to blame for mysterious colony collapse of bees ( there fore this can end up damaging the environments eco system three fore the company should be aware of such problems and should find means of solving them as this tend to destroy the brand image. Technological This mainly deals with the latest electronic devices and is the most dramatic aspect at the company as technology tends to change from day to day. Technology tends to improve at a very high rate as the phones produced know are much simpler and delicate then in the past decades. The latest mobiles are very complex mobile devices as people tend to cope with fashion. As a company we need to keep up with the day to day improvement of technology as to provide best product quality to our customers. This will also improve the company brand name as customers wont consider us outdated. The launching of new products such as I phone by Apple Company is a major boost in the market there for the company needs to keep track of the fast changing technology in order to keep up with competitors this will improve the companys opportunities. The company should be prepared to invest a sufficient amount of fund so as to cope with the fast improving technology as this will also make them release latest quality products in the market. SWOT analysis refers to strength weaknesses opportunities and threats. They normally show the parts that the business is strong at weak at and also the opportunities that the business is having and that they need to take advantages of and also the threats from competitors as well as the big challenge in the market. Strength and weakness are the internal factors while opportunities and threats are external ( Strength These are the advantages that one company have over the other. They are normally the main reason that attracts customers to a particular type of product in the market. Recently most consumers tend to be interested in highly tech mobile devices there fore companies with high tech technology tend to produce a product that most customers desires. The company must make well use of its strength as they are the main reason way customers tend to buy our products. Latest products that were produce by the company include an eight mega pixel camera. The realise of this mobile phones means people no longer have to carry mobile phone together with digital cameras therefore people are able to take high quality pictures and share them at the same time with close group. The company also need to know that the latest touch screen phones are very popular as most people tend to copy with fashion. The phone also has latest software devices that provide high help for business people and also they can acc ess their email address at any time. The main strength include 1) High tech mobile devices with good digital camera 2) Latest mobile phones with provide easy internet access to business people Weakness They are normally the Disadvantages that the business is experiencing. They normally discourage customers in making a purchase. They are internally and the company needs to ensure that all the weaknesses are overcome in order to provide an appealing product to the customers. As one of a big brand in the industry we need to overcome our weaknesses The weaknesses include 1) Maintaining poor quality product by the business without launching a new one 2) Lack of uniqueness in the product in contrast to competitors Opportunities These are external chances that exist for the business and it is very important for the business to take advantage of them so as to ensure product success. Opportunities are strength that exists for the business. This include 1) Fast delivery and cheap product 2) Making the process of buying the product more efficient Threats They are risks that or challenges that the business have. The business might try to overcome their threats so as to ensure safety of the company. Threats include 1) High tax for the products 2) Many competitors with more advanced distribution channel and advanced products Conclusion The company needs to change the product it produces with change in fashion so as to ensure customer safety, this will make us adopt with fashion there fore produce product that suits consumers requirements, in doing so the company must also be able to invest a lot of money in new products without them being sure that the product will be a success in the market. The company needs to carry out market research before launching its new products in the market in order to minimise its risk of product failure. References: Chaffey, B. (2003) Internet marketing, second edition Chisnall, M. (1996) marketing research, fifth edition Kotler,p.,keller,k.,brady,m.,goodman,m.,and Hanse,T.(2009) Marketing management ,first edition,pg 190-191 Http:,retrived on 12/02/2010 Http:, retrieved on 12/02/2010 Bibliography:, accessed on 15/02/2010 accessed on 15/02/2010
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Cerebellar Lesions :: Neurology Health Medical Essays
Cerebellar Lesions According to an article by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D., each of the deep cerebellar nuclei maintains a semi-independent map of the human body (2000). The cerebellum is tonically active, and is presumed to exert a stabilizing influence on motor function; accordingly, it is functionally responsible for coordination and smooth fine tuning of movement, in addition to influencing timing. Not only is the cerebellum associated with motor functioning, but, importantly, also with classical conditioning: e.g., the learning of new motor programs (Joseph, 2000). It is associated with the acquisition if finely skilled movements, such as playing an instrument, playing a sport, and performance dance. Interestingly, as motor information is acquired, it takes time for the cerebellum to acquire control over the specific task. With the notion of â€Å"practice makes perfect,†task control shifts from conscious cortical control (active, practicing memory) to the subconscious realm and control of the cerebellum. Hence, the cerebellum plays an integrated and important part in complex learning and memory (Joseph, 2000.) During early learning stages, cerebellar climbing fibers are activated, and mossy fibers seem to modulate and to monitor ongoing and related activity in the learning context. Lesions occurring in the cerebellum have the unfortunate effect of abolishing conditioned response acquisition and retention. Such lesions and/or diseases cause motor incoordination called ataxia, with symptoms of tremors, instability and teetering, and an inability to maintain regular movement of tempo ( There are three known major cerebellar syndromes. The vestibulocerebellar cortex controls movement of the eyes and body relating to gravity and turning of the head in space; damage to this area results in ataxia gait and stance, as described above. The spinocerebellar system, which receives information via rapid spinocerebellar pathways during the duration of movement, modulates and smoothes that movement. Lesions occurring in the spinocerebellar system are a result of chronic alcoholism and thiamine deficiency (, Joseph, 2000), and results in difficulty producing rapid and smooth movements. There occurs a prominent shuffle, wide gait, and hesitating steps, with ataxia, tremor and difficulty in lower limb coordination. Lastly, lesions of the cerebrocerebellum (neocerebellum) have blatant effects on well- learned volitional movements, as it has direct pathways with cerebral cortex motor control regions. Several symptoms exist to suggest cerebellar lesions. Joseph (2000) reports a study by Gordon Holmes (1971, 1939) that investigated cerebellar disturbances following gunshot wounds. Deficits involved voluntary/skilled motor function, gait ataxia, dysarthria (loss of proprioceptive input), asynergia (loss of
The Generation of Ozone for Water Purification in Third World Countries
The Generation of Ozone for Water Purification in Third World Countries Ozone is the O3 molecule formed through the combination of molecular and atomic oxygen. It can be used to remove iron, pesticides, detergents, color, ammonia and other nitrogen derivatives from water. Ozonation is a process used worldwide to render water potable. Although using ozone for disinfection can be expensive and inconvenient, it has, among others, the advantages of being widely effective, of adding oxygen to the water, and of being sufficient, even in low concentrations (Evans 140). The ozone used in ozonation can be produced through a variety of methods, the most common of which include the application of ultraviolet light to pure or non-pure oxygen; the silent electric discharge process, in which oxygen passes through a field of high voltage alternating current; and the electrochemical process that occurs when current is passed through water, causing the formation of hydrogen, oxygen, and ozone. (Evans 127). Each of these methods for ozone production has drawbacks. The ultraviolet irradiation technique includes all of the dangers normally associated with exposure to ultraviolet light, and requires expensive equipment. The silent electric discharge process generates so much heat that a method of controlling the temperature is necessary. Also, this process is most efficient with clean, cool, dry air; the available air might not conform to these specifications, requiring further action. The electrochemical process produces tiny quantities of ozone in comparison to molecular oxygen, and is therefore unreliable. (The electrochemical process can also be applied using sulfuric or perchloric acid, but this method is obviously unsuitab... ... acquire. Although the solution to the problem of providing drinkable water in remote and disadvantaged locations is not clear cut, the use of ozone as a disinfectant is a promising and intriguing technique. Works Cited Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual. United States, 1999. Evans, Frances. Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment. Ann Arbor: Science Publishers, 1972. â€Å"Make some ozone.†BigClive.Com. 11 Dec. 2006 Rice, Rip G., and Aharan Netzer. Handbook of Ozone Technology and Applications: Volume II: Ozone for Drinking Water Treatment. Boston: Butterworth Publishers, 1984. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). June 2004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 11 Dec. 2006 The Generation of Ozone for Water Purification in Third World Countries The Generation of Ozone for Water Purification in Third World Countries Ozone is the O3 molecule formed through the combination of molecular and atomic oxygen. It can be used to remove iron, pesticides, detergents, color, ammonia and other nitrogen derivatives from water. Ozonation is a process used worldwide to render water potable. Although using ozone for disinfection can be expensive and inconvenient, it has, among others, the advantages of being widely effective, of adding oxygen to the water, and of being sufficient, even in low concentrations (Evans 140). The ozone used in ozonation can be produced through a variety of methods, the most common of which include the application of ultraviolet light to pure or non-pure oxygen; the silent electric discharge process, in which oxygen passes through a field of high voltage alternating current; and the electrochemical process that occurs when current is passed through water, causing the formation of hydrogen, oxygen, and ozone. (Evans 127). Each of these methods for ozone production has drawbacks. The ultraviolet irradiation technique includes all of the dangers normally associated with exposure to ultraviolet light, and requires expensive equipment. The silent electric discharge process generates so much heat that a method of controlling the temperature is necessary. Also, this process is most efficient with clean, cool, dry air; the available air might not conform to these specifications, requiring further action. The electrochemical process produces tiny quantities of ozone in comparison to molecular oxygen, and is therefore unreliable. (The electrochemical process can also be applied using sulfuric or perchloric acid, but this method is obviously unsuitab... ... acquire. Although the solution to the problem of providing drinkable water in remote and disadvantaged locations is not clear cut, the use of ozone as a disinfectant is a promising and intriguing technique. Works Cited Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual. United States, 1999. Evans, Frances. Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment. Ann Arbor: Science Publishers, 1972. â€Å"Make some ozone.†BigClive.Com. 11 Dec. 2006 Rice, Rip G., and Aharan Netzer. Handbook of Ozone Technology and Applications: Volume II: Ozone for Drinking Water Treatment. Boston: Butterworth Publishers, 1984. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). June 2004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 11 Dec. 2006
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
probability of brest cancer :: essays research papers
Probability of Breast Cancer A National Cancer Institute (NCI) report estimates that about 1 in 8 women in the United States (approximately 13.3 percent) will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. This estimate is based on cancer rates from 1997 through 1999, as reported in NCI's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program publication SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1973–1999. This publication presents estimates of the risk of developing breast cancer in 10-, 20-, and 30-year intervals. Each age interval is assigned a weight in the calculations based on the proportion of the population living to that age. The 1 in 8 figure means that, if current rates stay constant, a female born today has a 1 in 8 chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer sometime during her life. On the other hand, she has a 7 in 8 chance of never developing breast cancer. Because the SEER calculations are weighted they take into account that not all women live to older ages, when breast cancer risk becomes the greatest. A woman's chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer is:* from age 30 to age 40 . . . . . . . 1 out of 252 from age 40 to age 50 . . . . . . . 1 out of 68 from age 50 to age 60 . . . . . . . 1 out of 35 from age 60 to age 70 . . . . . . . 1 out of 27 Ever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 out of 8 In evaluating cancer risk for a cancer-free individual at a specific point in time, age-specific (conditional) probabilities are more appropriate than lifetime probabilities. For example, at age 50 a cancer-free black woman has about a 2.5-percent chance of developing breast cancer by age 60, and a cancer-free white woman has about a 2.9-percent chance. Among the racial/ethnic groups studied by SEER**, non-Hispanic white, Hawaiian, and black women have the highest levels of breast cancer risk. Other Asian/Pacific Islander groups and Hispanic women have lower levels of risk. Some of the lowest levels of risk occur among Korean and Vietnamese women.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Managing safely project Essay
Introduction As part of the Managing safely course, you have to complete a project and have it assessed. You will be expected to carry out a risk assessment based on your own work environment. You need to record the results on the attached sheets and submit them for marking. Do not submit any additional material in support of your project work as only the six parts of the A4 project will be assessed. The project can be word processed or hand written. When you have completed your work you should return it to There is a two week time limit for the return of the project. Your project must be completed and returned by Instructions Please read all of the instructions before starting work on your project. The project is broken down into a number of parts. Please complete each section as detailed below. Part 1 – description of the work tasks that are your responsibility Record a brief description of all the work tasks within your work environment including: description/labelled sketch of the location(s)  people who work in or visit the area on a regular basis or from time to time. (Think about the different groups of people who may be in the area and how often they may be there.) permanent and temporary items of equipment and substances activities carried out within your work environment Part 2 – a hazard checklist of the location(s) Record a brief description of three location hazards that may arise in your work environment. For example, car park, stairs, uneven floor. For each of these hazards please include: a description of the location a description of the hazard – in relation to the location the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard – in relation to the location whether a risk assessment is recommended Part 3 – a hazard checklist of permanent and/or temporary items of equipment and substances used in your work environment Record a brief description of three hazards that may arise from equipment or substances used. For each of these hazards please include: a description of permanent and/or temporary items of equipment and substances used a description of the hazard – in relation to the equipment/substance the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard – in relation to the equipment/substance whether a risk assessment is recommended Part 4 – a hazard checklist of the activities carried out within your work environment Record a brief description of three hazards that may arise from within your work environment. For each of these hazards please include: a description of the work activity a description of the hazard – in relation to the work activity the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard – in relation to the work activity Note: for the purpose of this exercise all three activity hazards that you are assessing on part 4 must require a risk assessment. Part 5 – carrying out a risk assessment Please carry out a risk assessment on all three of the activity hazards you have listed on part 4. Please make sure you include: a description of the work activity a description of the hazard, hazardous event and expected consequence – in relation to the work activity the number and occupation of people affected – in relation to the work activity an assessment of risk (please use the 5 x 5 matrix) – in relation to the work activity Note: for the purpose of this exercise all three activity hazards that you are assessing on part 5 must require risk controls. Part 6 – risk control recommendations Please complete the risk control form for all three activity hazards you have listed on part 5. Please make sure you include: a description of the work activity and risk level from the risk assessment existing risk controls any further risk controls required – in relation to the work activity the residual risk (please use the 5 x 5 matrix) – in relation to the work activity a description of the type of monitoring required and how often – in relation to the residual risk Note: where you have large numbers of hazards in your work environment you will not have space to record them all. In these circumstances, select a representative sample of hazards for the purposes of this project and record only these. Remember that only three hazards are required for parts 2, 3, and 4. Each part has a maximum number of marks which can be awarded and details are given in the table below.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Cold War Impact on US Foriegn Policy
The mentality of the Cold War greatly affected the decisions made by the Presidents that held the office from 1950 to 1974. The main thought that prevailed from the beginning of the Cold War was containment. It was the main goal of the United States to contain the spread of Communism whenever possible. â€Å"Brinkmanship†was the first major policy that was employed by the United States in the effort to stop the spread of Communism throughout the world. President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles coined the term â€Å"Brinkmanship†, which simply stated means using the military to push things to the brink of war without actually going to war. This was often used to intimidate the Soviet Union into backing down during the early part of the Cold War era. President Kennedy would take a slightly more flexible stance in terms of retaliation should an attack occur. However, it wouldn’t be until President Nixon took office that the metaphorical waters between the US and the Soviet Union would begin to calm.Could Cold War Have Been Avoided? In 1957 Secretary of State John Foster Dulles addressed the Associated Press in a speech known as Dynamic Peace. In this speech Secretary Dulles seems to be trying to convince the American public why they must always be prepared to go to war even though it was not what America desired. He also explained how the Soviet Union would not want the free nations of the world to work together to arm themselves and be willing to protect each other from attack. The Soviet rulers understandably prefer that the free nations should be weak and divided, as when the men in the Kremlin stole, one by one, the independence of a dozen nations. So, at each enlargement of the area of collective defense, the Soviet rulers pour out abuse against so-called â€Å"militaristic groupings. †And as the free nations move to strengthen their common defense, the Soviet rulers emit threats. But we can, I think, be confident that such Soviet assaults will not disintegrate the free world. Collective measures are here to stay. . . .†Dulles goes on to talk about how the greatest deterrent of war is the retaliatory ability of other nations. Secretary Dulles then goes on to explain that the United States sought the liberation of the nations under the Soviet Union not to surround Russia with hostile nations but because peace cannot be achieved until all captive nations are set free. President John F. Kennedy would set the tone of his administration’s stance on the Cold War and the Soviet Union during his inaugural address. He asked that the nations of the world to come together to fight â€Å"the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself†. His address gave realistic expectations by saying that his goals might not even be achieved during his generation’s lifetime, but even that possible truth should not discourage the United States or the rest of the world from starting on the road towards peace and freedom for the whole world. In June 1961 President Kennedy met with the Premier of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. During this meeting many subjects were discussed, but the most important was Berlin. Even though he allowed himself to be bullied, President Kennedy felt he made it clear to Khrushchev that the United States was not willing to compromise on a withdrawal from Berlin. Only a few short months later East German authorities would begin to restrict the movements of people from East Berlin into West Berlin. These actions would prompt the United States to send a note to the Soviet Union protesting these actions and asking that the Soviet Union put a stop to it before things got too far out of hand. The Soviet Union’s reply stated that it supported the actions of the East German Government because they were trying to protect themselves from western spies who were trying to undermine the Government. It goes on to talk about how the United States is well aware of these activities and is just trying to shift blame so that the illegal activities of the West could continue. â€Å"West Berlin has been transformed into a center of subversive activity diversion, and espionage, into a center of political and economic provocations against the G. D. R. , the Soviet Union, and other socialist countries. Former and present West Berlin municipal leaders have cynically called West Berlin an ‘arrow in the living body of the German Democratic Republic,’ a ‘front city,’ a ‘violator of tranquility,’ the ‘cheapest atom bomb put in the center of a socialist state. ’†All of the back and forth between the United States and the Soviet Union would come to a head a little more than a year later with the Cuban Missile Crisis. When the United States government discovered that the Soviet Union was building bases meant to house ballistic missiles President Kennedy had a choice. He could have very easily used the occasion as justification for an attack on the Soviet Union. But instead he made the choice that kept the world from World War III. Instead of attacking the Soviet Union President Kennedy, on October 22, 1962, addressed the nation and the world and announced that there would be a blockade on Cuba. This blockade would only turn away ships carrying weapons and not stop ships carrying the necessities that the people of Cuba would need. â€Å"We are not at this time, however, denying the necessities of life as the Soviets attempted to do in their Berlin blockade of 1948. On October 28, 1962 the confrontation ended with the Soviet Union agreeing to dismantle their offensive weapons in Cuba. As time continued to go by both the United States and the Soviet Union were in positions where a relaxation of the tensions between them was necessary. Soviet leadership felt that the financial costs of the nuclear arms race were unsustainable. The United States was spending millions on the war in Vietnam and trying to extend the welfare state in the country. The Soviet Union was experiencing troubles in their relationships with China, and they worried that these troubles might lead to an American-Chinese alliance. â€Å"All this is, in the first place, a stab in the back for the heroic Vietnamese people in their struggle against the American aggressors, Imperialist circles fully approve of this line of Mao Tse-tung's group. The Washington Post has said that officials in Washington believe that Mao is serving American interests and they are therefore even thinking of cultivating Maoism as a means of bringing pressure to bear on Moscow. The magazine United States News and World Report has directly stated in this connection that the United States is gambling oil Mao and that American officials tend to prefer a victory for Mao Tse-tung in his struggle to destroy more nioderate elements, because that would mean more trouble for Soviet Russia. †During President Richard Nixon’s administration the first steps towards Detente began. The most important part of this was the SALT I treaty of 1972. The conditions of Detente allowed for mutual cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union. In fact one of the basic principles of relations between the Soviet Union and the United States was that the two nations work together especially in the areas of science and technology. In July of 1975 the United States and the USSR would work together on the Apollo-Soyuz project. Even though the idea of containment was the driving force behind many of the decisions made by US presidents during the Cold War, each President had their own ideas on how best to achieve that containment. For President Eisenhower the best strategy was â€Å"Brinkmanship†, while President Kennedy took a slightly more flexible approach. Had Kennedy followed the lines of â€Å"Brinkmanship†the Cuban Missile Crisis would most likely have been the start of World War III. President Nixon, due to the changing world and economic climate was able to reach at least some neutral ground with the Soviet Union. The relaxation of tensions in the late 1960s and early 1970s helped to bring about the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Psychological studies Essay
Culture bias is a term which covers several types of bias in psychology. It can be used to refer to judgements and prejudices about certain cultures, or methodological biases which lead to such biased conclusions. For example, although a method of research may be developed and found to be reliable in one culture, the same may not be true in another. Culture bias in methodology prevents us from being able to identify innate behaviour in cross-cultural research. One type of culture bias is ethnocentrism, which is the tendency to use one’s own culture as a basis for judgements about others. Eurocentrism, ethnocentrism from the perspective of Western cultures, is particularly widespread in modern Psychology, as it is commonplace for findings based solely on, for example, American participants to be generalised to people across the globe. The relevance of psychological research carried out in Western countries to the wider world is questionnable. A large amount of this issue is a result of methodology. Because mundane realism and ecological validities have so much effect on the generalisation of findings, in order for findings to be relevant across cultures, the methodology must hold these characteristics no matter which culture it is carried out in. Failure to do so may lead to false conclusions, which by definition hinder the main goal of Psychology; that is, the ability to understand human behaviour. A prominent piece of research that often receives attention for its culture bias is that of Ainsworth & Bell (1970). The ‘strange situation’ research method used in their study of infant attachments, and their subsequent conclusions, have received criticism for eurocentrism. The strange situation is used to observe levels of distress and other behaviours in an infant upon, for example, separation from a parent. This may itself be culture biased because of its individualist nature. If an infant is used to interaction with others, like in Israeli kibbutzim, then separation from a parent will be much less stressful in the ‘strange situation’; but this may not imply that the infant is less attached to its parent. The classifications drawn by Ainsworth & Bell are also culturally biased, because they explicitly state which type of attachment is desirable (secure) and which types are undesirable (insecure). This, combined with the eurocentrism of the methodology itself, has led to parenting styles and infant attachments in some cultures to be mislabelled as inferior to those of the United States, and yet no significant negative effects related to attachments have been observed in such cultures. Another study frequently criticised for eurocentrism is Milgram’s (1963) study into obedience, in which participants were deceived into believing that they were required to administer high-voltage electric shocks to a confederate. In a Smith & Bond’s (1998) comparison of replications of the same study in different cultures, it was shown that there were differences between cultures in how many people obeyed the researcher in the experiment. For example, 65% of Americans, compared with 85% of Germans, 40% of Australian males, 16% of Australian females and 62% of Jordanians conformed. This indicates cultural differences, meaning that the Milgram’s conclusions may hold cultural bias; but at the same time such cultural differences may not actually exist. It may be that the research method is not suitable for all of the cultures, or that the research method was carried out in different ways in different cultures. The method used was criticised for being unrepresentative of real life in Western cultures, and so it is likely that it is also unrepresentative of real life in other cultures (such as that of Jordan), or even that the differences between the research environment and real life as even more significant in other cultures. We cannot be sure about the members of these cultures until such differences are ruled out. Many theories have also been criticised for their culturally biased nature. Economic exchange theories of relationship development and maintenance particularly fall under this category, as, according to Moghaddam (1998), they only apply to Western relationships, and even then only to people in short-term relationships and with high mobility. It may be that relationship theories such as this apply only to individualist cultures and are not suitable for describing relationships in collectivist cultures. However, placing a culture on the ‘individualism-collectivism continuum’ is not as easy as first thought. In relationship theories, the US if often cited as an individualist culture and Japan as a collectivist culture; but when Takano & Osaka (1999) reviewed 15 studies to compare the two nations, only 14 studies supported the distinction. This indicates that even relationship theories which allow for differences between individualist and collectivist cultures are biased because they underestimate the role of situational factors and overestimate that of personal characteristics when analysing of behaviour. Another theory frequently noted for its culture bias is Kohlberg’s (1976) theory of moral understanding. This stage theory describes morality from a very Western, democratic perspective. However, these morals may not be held in other parts of the world, meaning that the theory may lack relevance in the wider world. When Snarey (1985) studied traditional village societies, only the first four stages from Kohlberg’s theory were found to be present, with the stage post-conventional reasoning being completely absent. On fact, it was fount that many moral judgements from some cultures did not fit into any of Kohlberg’s stages, suggesting that his theory does not account for other forms of reasoning.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
More Than Just an Argument Essay
Argumentative essay assignments are useful learning tools for helping students to both understand key concepts and in helping students to think critically. †Module 3 Case Assignment Nassal R. Braimbridge Trident University If you have ever attended college at some point you have had to write an argumentative essay. It is used to convey your thoughts, insights, and point of view to an audience in an attempt to persuade them. Extensive research is required to provide the facts and evidence required to support your argument and diminish your opposition’s argument. Argumentative essay assignments are useful tools for helping students to both understand key concepts and in helping students to think critically. This is due to the fact that creating an argumentative essay requires a lot of thinking and analysis. When most people think of an argument, it is thought of as a being something negative but according to David H. Jonassen and Bosung Kim (2010) â€Å"Meaningful learning requires deep engagement with ideas. Deep Engagement is supported by the critical thinking skills of argumentation. ’ They also stated that â€Å"Learning to argue represents an important way of thinking that facilitates conceptual change and is essential for problem solving. †This is impart to the fact that you are using the art of persuasion, rhetoric to sell your point of view to the reader, which requires a substantial amount of facts and evidence to validate your claims and enhance the level of trust that the reader has for both you and your opinion. A well written argumentative essay will present a strong claim and can appeal to the most resistant audience. This is achieved with the application of logic, reasoning and strategic analysis. In depth research coupled with a little creativity and some confidence are also necessary. In doing this you develop critical thinking skills which is defined by Michael Scriven and Richard Paul (1987) as â€Å"the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. They also stated that â€Å"In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. †One of the functions of higher education is to teach students how to think and a god way to do this is through argumentation. Debate as a teaching tool, has a place in pedagogical methods because it allows students to enhance critical thinking through investigating arguments, engaging in research, gathering information, performing analysis, assessing arguments, questioning assumptions, and demonstrating interpersonal skills. Initially, the researcher used debate in a Science, Technology, and Society course as a tool to introduce an experimental learning opportunity. The main objective of the course was to use a selection of modern topics in science and technology to increase communication and critical thinking. Debate was a natural fit for the course because the topic were tied to current events, and students were allowed to critically analyze a controversial topic while practicing other competencies like writing, presenting information and higher level thinking (Scott, S. 2009). Writing an argumentative essay also helps to improve conceptual understanding, as you have to put yourself in not only the shoes of your opponent but the shoes of your audience as well. This means anticipating any questions or concerns they might express and addressing them, it also gives you the opportunity to refute any arguments your opponent may have. In doing this you will be analyzing your supporting statements, determining the reason why someone would disagree with each point and what part of the issue concerns them the most. At the same time is also developing your solving skills as you trouble shoot problem before they occur and prepare for them. Argumentative essay assignments are useful learning useful learning tools. They foster the development of students’ critical thinking skills their conceptual understanding and problem solving abilities. It promotes creativity and confidence while improving students’ writing skills. A student’s rhetorical skills are also developed along with their presentation skills when they complete argumentative essay assignments. Work Cited Jonassen, D. , Kim, B. , (2010). Arguing to learn and learning to argue: design justifications and guidelines. Educational Technology Research ; Development. 58(4). 39-458. Scott, S. (2009). Perceptions of students’ learning critical thinking through debate in a technology classroom: A case study. Journal of Technology Studies. 34(1): 39-45. Michael Scriven, Richard Paul (1987). Critical Thinking as Defined by the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking. Retrieved from: http://www. criticalthinking. org/pages/defining-critical-thinking/766 Purdue Online Writing Lab (2011). Argumentative Essay. Retrieved from: http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/685/05/
Friday, September 13, 2019
American Nursing Idol Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
American Nursing Idol - Research Paper Example The paper will include description and discussion of different aspects of this contest that will allow a comprehensive understanding of nursing theorists and theories in an innovative manner. JUDGES I do not know you or your group members so you will have to fill out this section. THEORISTS IN FINALS Dorothy Johnson First finalist of the American Nursing Idol contest is Dorothy Johnson, a famous nursing theorist who has played a significant role in defining the field of nursing and especially, the role of nurses. In particular, Dorothy has put enormous efforts in indicating the significance of care of nurses on patients with her model of nursing care in the year 1968. She defined nursing as â€Å"the efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness" (Basavanthappa, 2007). In addition, she stated that nursing was â€Å"concerned with man as an integrated whole and this is the specific knowledge of order we require†(Basavanthappa, 2007). ... Dorothy (Basavanthappa, 2007) has indicated that a nurse’s behavior should be in accordance with requirements of a society, and secondly, a nurse should be capable of bringing an alteration in the behavior of patients that may subsequently result in support to the biological components. Thirdly, a nurse’s goal is to ensure benefits to the patients during the period of sickness with the application of knowledge and expertise of physicians (Basavanthappa, 2007). Lastly, behavior of nurse should not in any way cause unessential shock or suffering to the patient during the same period. Virginia Henderson Virginia Henderson is second finalist of the American Nursing Idol who has given huge competition to her opponents with her concept of nursing. In particular, Henderson’s work is inductive, and a derivation of her education and experience (Timby, 2008). One of the significant characteristics of her concept is emphasis on independence of patients while they are in the healthcare settings, as she indicated that such independence enable patients to recover soon and adjust to normal settings after the process of hospitalization. According to her, nursing is â€Å"assisting individuals to gain independence in relation to the performance of activities contributing to health or its recovery†(Basavanthappa, 2007). In addition, her concept is a categorization of fourteen constituents that she believed essential for the fulfillment of human needs. Besides fourteen components, Henderson identified the role of nurses in three aspects: â€Å"substitutive (doing for the person), supplementary (helping the person), and complementary (working with the person)†(Klainberg & Dirschel, 2009). Moreover, it is an observation that before Henderson, there was no distinction
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Health and Safety Regulations of NSW and Risk Management Essay
Health and Safety Regulations of NSW and Risk Management - Essay Example According to the discussion, non-compliance issues consist of non-trained health and safety representatives handling important positions in the organization, appointment of ineligible candidates for places like bar and casino, etc. After conducting an audit of the whole situation and deriving the above finding several recommendations, the objectives behind them and a probable time estimate has been clearly mentioned in the action plan in Appendix 2. In Appendix 1 a risk assessment matrix has been developed to highlight the intensity of each hazard or risk that took place in the organization. The major laws which affect most of the business as Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) would be improved to Work Health Safety (WHS). The revised laws have been implemented from the year 2012. According to the new WHS, the focus of the employee should be on the making proper work arrangements and also maintaining good relationships for carrying out the business. The focus of the employer should be on the impact of the workplace, health and safety issues of the employees. Companies have the right to consult with other companies or organization regarding safety and health issues of the organization. The individuals in the organizations would be no longer termed as workers; rather they should be regarded as employees. Implementing health and safety measures in the organization would be given primary importance and the employees also have the right to raise voice if they find that these norms do not meet the standards in their organization. Every employee must hold an entry permit to enter the organization. These are the basic changes that have been made in the new guidelines. Now let us consider the breaches that took place in Titanic Cove Resort (TCR), with reference to WHS laws.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Summary 1 page about movie called (secret) Essay
Summary 1 page about movie called (secret) - Essay Example cally the movie promotes the idea of law of attraction which states that an individual should be focused towards his/her aims, objectives and wants and will ultimately receive them. Although it may seem as if the movie is promoting the notion that if an individual remains focused on his/her aims and objectives and works hard for them, he/she will achieve it. But the movie actually promotes the idea that just by focusing on aims and objectives and without making effort and individual can gain anything he/she desires. The movie projects the incident of Morris Goodman who narrates his story in which he unravels the secret through which he heals the issue of paralysis. Interviews are conducted in the movie in which physicians as well as trainers provide insight regarding the secret and the arts and science that is involved in it. It covers several instances of people who have been able to achieve several aims and objectives through the application of the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Further discussion on last paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Further discussion on last paper - Essay Example Moreover, the aging population was increasing incredibly (Plichta and Laurel 34). The number of trained nurses was also decreasing. In addition, there was the lack of respect from the physicians, which contributed to the shortage. This data is trustworthy as it bases its research because of the evidences that researchers provide from studies they carry out. For instance, Suzanne Gordon notes that women in the nursing sector do not make much gain in their workplaces like their counterparts in other professions (Huston 44). This acts as another reason for the job the job dissatisfaction that nurses encounter at their places of work. Additionally, these researches argue that there was shorting-staffing and restructuring in many nursing organizations that drove many nurses away from the sector. This lead to job burnout and many nurses realized that they could not bear the increasing burnout and professional responsibilities at work. Moreover, there has been an increasing concern on the quality of the services that nurses provide. People link this problem to the nursing shortage (Huston 50). We can trust these findings since the researcher suggests solutions to the problem, which include encouraging people to join the nursing sector. Moreover, the US government encourages nursing schools to enroll more people into the sector so that they curb the problem. However, these researchers provide conflicting points on the nursing shortage. For instance, one research projects a shortage of nurses of 600000 in the US by the year 2020 (Plichta and Laurel 36). This means that the US will need to educate more than 1.5 million new nurses by the 2015, which would help alleviate the problem. This problem can be catastrophic on the nation’s ability to respond to an event with mass casualty. On the other hand, the American Hospital Association projects a shortage of nurses of 800000 by 2020, which
Monday, September 9, 2019
My View of American Undergraduate Culture Essay
My View of American Undergraduate Culture - Essay Example My View of American Undergraduate Culture The book mentioned that, after fifteen years of teaching anthropology at a large university. Therefore Nathan decided to do what anthropologists do when confused by a different culture: Go live with them. She enrolled as a freshman, moved into the dorm, ate in the dining hall, and took a full load of courses. And she came to understand that being a student is a pretty tricky job,too. Since everyone's campus experience is brand new and different, I am going talk about somethings she did not mention in her book. Moreover I would like to discuss something she mentioned, because I have an differing view on those things (Bryson 93). Rebekah Nathan intended to participate in every step of being a freshman. And she was trying to learn how to integrate into campus life, in order to touch students better. During this particular type of research, Rebekah Nathan tried her best to observe all the details around. For example, "at the first day of the new semester, every freshman had to go to the designated place, because they should check in and get keys of their dorms. While Rebekah Nathan got the key, her roommate was a little depressed, because she knew that her roommate was not a girl who got a similar age to herself. However, when Rebekah was looking at her roommate, her roommate was still smiling to Rebekah.This is only a part of her experiences, she also participated in activities as many as she could, on account of understanding students' thoughts. In addition, she tried to communicate with other students on her own initiative, as she wanted to know what they were doing everyday and how students manage their college lives. Nathan spend much of book discussing individual student experiences and not much time on peer groups. I consider that Rebekah Nathan does not involve every type of situations, hence I am going talk about something she did not cover (Nathan 56). Gym is the first step for me to learn of American undergraduate culture, because this place is a public place for all the students to exercise, no mater where you are from or what language you speak, students just play together. Additionally, in my opinion, it is more comfortable to playful learn, because it is a kind of leavening influence. For instance, when I just came to UConn, I was too shy to talk to any American student. However, one of my Chinese friends told me that I could go to the gym, people in gym were pretty nice and easy to talk, because when you were playing with them, it meant that you guys had same hobby, therefore it would be easier to communicate. After I arrive at gym, I straightly walked to the basketball place, because I played it a lot when I was in high school, and it was also my most adept movement. I stood on the sidelines, a little while, some American students ask me if I wanted to play together, I said" Sure!"with nodding. During the game, a strong guy ran me down incautiously, but he put the ball down and help me up rapidly with saying" Sorry." From the se point, I found that American students were greatly friendly in human behavior. To communicate with American students is the most orderly way to learn of American undergraduate culture.Since I was a truly freshman, I was easier to communicate with American students than Rebekah Nathan. As I was talking to my American friends, I found that American students could say anything they want. Sometimes they even played joke of their won country, it really shocked me, because in my country, people all
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 13
Management - Essay Example Management, during the middle and late 1800s was not a formal field of study. The emergence of early thoughts regarding management, when looked from today’s perspective was a mere response to the problems that had arisen during those times. The start of industrial revolution had prompted management to emerge as a formal course of study over the years to follow. The shift from agriculture to manufacturing during the industrial revolution had resulted in the increase in urbanization and growth in factories. This overall growth in production called for a greater integration and facilitation of efforts of a huge number of people. In order to ensure adequate production, managers were forced to address certain issues. Even when these issues were addressed in an organized field of study back then, there were some ideas that laid down the groundwork for management as a discipline to emerge. These ideas were classified as the pre-classical viewpoint. Robert Owen’s pioneering idea was that he â€Å"advocated concern for the working and living conditions of workers (Bartol 2001, 39).†Being a cotton mill entrepreneur in Scotland, Owen considered providing considerable improvements to the work environment of its workforce. According to Bartol, â€Å"Owen tried to improve the living conditions of the employees by upgrading streets, houses, sanitation, and the educational system in New Lanark, [Scotland] (2001, 39).†Owen’s idea seemed to be relevant today, being the cornerstone of the modern human resource management philosophy. Charles Babbage was known for the first practical mechanical calculator that laid the foundation for the modern calculators and computers. In pursuit of his projects, Babbage was able to find ways to address problems that he faced. These explorations of ways lead Babbage to some ideas such as prediction of work specialization and profit sharing plan, which had been his contribution to management theory.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Molecular biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Molecular biology - Essay Example (Unemo & Nicholas, 2012). The developing multi drug resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the severe symptoms of the gonococcal infections, added to the socioeconomic burden and epidemiologically threatening aspects of the disease; drug resistance gonorrhea, its detection and diagnosis has acquired immense significance (Blomquist, et al., 2014). It is important to focus on preventing the spread of resistant forms as part of disease management. An essential requirement for controlling spread is enhancing surveillance through better diagnostic methods for identification and isolation of disease resistant pathogens. This project aims to introduce a novel method of diagnosis of drug resistance in clinical isolates of gonorrhea. The method presented in this paper involves the use of Tiling array for diagnosis of drug resistance in clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The protocol is based on similar technology already used for development of protocols for drug resistance in other organisms. Tiling array is a derivation of microarray technology developed by Kapranov and colleagues (2002) and Shoemaker and colleagues (2001) that facilitates identification of previously unidentified transcripts through genome wide annotations. The initial euphoria associated with the utility and significance of antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs seems to fade with the rise in the bacterial strains exhibiting resistance to single as well as multiple drugs. Hence drug resistance has become an exponentially rising global health hazard rendering world population once again vulnerable to the threats of common diseases (Levy & Marshall, 2004). Both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria have been known to exhibit multi-drug resistance leaving health care providers with no antimicrobial therapeutic agents ensuring control and management of
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Cheating and plagiarism for my religion class Essay Example for Free
Cheating and plagiarism for my religion class Essay The movie we watched was very interesting. I felt like I could definitely relate to most of the situations they brought up. In particular, the point about how you felt the need to cheat nowadays to keep up with the cheaters. Their information was very accurate and it really gives you a look into what life is like as a student. When watching it I really felt like what they were saying was pro-cheater. The only problem with the movie was the give a lot of great reasons why there is such a high percentage of cheaters out there, but the never offered any ways to fix the problem. Then the movie switched to the problem of plagiarism. They addressed the issue and showed some of the difficulties of trying to detect it. They then went into the only way of detecting it and how to avoid detection. Afterward they showed an example of a class and how bad plagiarism has gotten. Still they never offered any way to solve the problem. I really enjoyed the movie we watched in class it was very interesting. Through out the movie I felt could relate to the students telling their experiences. For example, one girl talked about how she feels the need to cheat to keep up with all the other cheaters out there. From my experience, I have tried studying long hours for tests and then going in the next day, taking the test and then having the person next to me cheat and get a higher grade. I myself cheat because nowadays it is all about grades and getting into the best colleges and getting the highest grade point average (g.p.a.), and with out a good g.p.a., you cannot get into a good college. So to get into a good college and get a good paying job some people are willing to do what ever it takes and to keep up with them we have to do the same things. Through out the movie I got the sense that they were taking a pro-cheater standpoint. I noticed that they really didnt show you anyone who got anywhere in life by not cheating and so I got the feeling that they wanted us to walk away with better knowledge and methodologies on how to cheat. By the end of the movie, I really felt like cheating was no longer a bad thing and in fact it had actually become almost necessary to succeed in life and everyone is doing it. They also gave only examples of people who cheat all the time and easily get away with it. Once again, they never offered any solution to the problem. Next, they talked about plagiarism. They did an experiment with a World History class and had the kids write a paper on their favorite explorer. Then the teacher took all the papers and used the one tool out there that can check for plagiarism, She submitted all the papers to this website and got them back with all the plagiarized portion of each students paper underlined. When she got the papers back, more than half the papers were plagiarized and some only had a few original sentences. It just goes to show how big of a problem plagiarism is these days. Then they said that the website only detects plagiarism if eight of the words are an exact match so to avoid detection all you have to do is change every eighth word and to be on the safe side you could play around with that number. Even though the movie never offered any way of solving either problem, they still informed you of the problem. I really enjoyed the movie. I left wanting to cheat and plagiarize. In the movie, they talked about a person who would write papers for you for $25 a page. Though I dont know anyone that would do that for me, if I did, after watching the movie, I probably would have enlisted for his help. However, I dont know anyone who would so I guarantee that this paper is completely original.
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