Friday, December 27, 2019
Relationship Between Career And Technical Education And...
Running head: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE ACHIEVEMENT A Pre-Prospectus Paper Presented To The Faculty of the College of Graduate Studies Lamar University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership by Marcus Lamar Walker July 11, 2016 Rationale for the Study The federal, state and local government has a concern for education. Depending on the individual who wants to give their opinion on education, the opinion will vary greatly. Two decades ago, it became the federal government’s mission to boost student competencies across the board. With a strict focus on making all students successful in the common core, there†¦show more content†¦The intention of this study is to investigate enrollment in career and technical courses, participation in career and technical student organizations, work-based learning experiences, and admission into a two-year technical college, community college, four-year universities, or directly to work. This can only have been achieved through successful completion of a graduation program. While in high school, students may elect to take courses in career and technical education as aligned to their personal interests and aptitude while in high school. Career and Technical Education programs throughout of the state of Texas allow students to participate in co-curricular student organizations, also known as Career and Technical Education Student Organizations, that correspond to courses that students participate while in high school. By joining these student organizations, student gain the opportunity to learn leadership skills, participate in high quality learning activities and competitions at the local, state and national levels, and have the ability to extend their learning to real-world experiences that help build quality college and career ready candidates after high school (Davis Alexander, 2013). Students also have the ability to participate in on-the-job training with
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The United Open Door Immigration Policy - 1682 Words
As tension in Syria and the surrounding regions intensifies, more and more refugees are fleeing to Europe seeking asylum; however, the countries they are entering are experiencing many adverse side effects; such as, social unrest, sexual assaults, and terrorist attacks. It is unacceptable for the children in these nations to have to grow up in a nation they once called home and felt safe in but now no longer has that feeling. The same argument could be made for the refugees and that is why the current open door immigration policy that Angela Merkel has in effect must be remedied. The goal of a refugee is to escape war that they and their families can live safely without worry of being killed. Not to change the ways of the nation they are entering and treat the locals with disdain for their differences in ideology, dress, culture and even diet. The host nation of a large number of refugees should not have to change their way of life to accommodate those seeking refuge. It should be th e other way around. Assimilation is the goal, not disintegration of native culture. A policy which allows radical Muslims to immigrate into the country and then face punishment only after the damage from their actions has been done is grossly illogical and insufficient for the preservation of a nation’s security. Preventative measures must be put in place. The mass sexual assault that occurred in 2015 at New Year’s Festivals in Germany simply and clearly demonstrate another symptom of theShow MoreRelatedThe Immigration Control And Refugee Recognition Act And The Years It Was Amended790 Words  | 4 PagesSato talks about several factors in Japans immigration policy. The paper begins by stating the Immigration control and refugee recognition act and the years it was amended. The paper continues to talk about how in recent years; Japan has accepted a very little amount of refugees compared to other nations around the world showing their restrictive policy. The paper also shows how in areas of need like the field of nursing, Japan is willing to open the door in order to benefit that sections of the economyRead MoreEssay on Guarding the Golden Door1551 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican immigration history is the story of bonded, free, and enslaved migrant labor. Immigration to a settler society advances resource extraction and economic development. Extracting agricultural products and natural resources from land can Require forced labor. Over the last 30 years the United States has been turning once again into a nation of immigrants. Roger Daniels is especially sensitive to the role of race and ethnicity in shaping American immigration policy. Daniel provides an expertRead MoreDifferences Of Immigration In The United States1478 Words  | 6 PagesAfter the election there were thousands who suggested that the United States had some harsh immigration laws, making it strikingly difficult for immigrants and refugees alike to enjoy the freedoms and human rights that the United States offers. However, in 2015 the United States accepted over 1-million permanent migrants which made it the #1 country for immigration. At the same time, the United States also held onto its top spot as one of the top refugee resettlement countries4. Comparatively, countriesRead MoreGuarding The Golden Door : American Immigration Policy And Immigrants948 Words  | 4 PagesGuarding the Golden Door: American Immigration Policy and Immigrants Since 1882 -By Roger Daniels Guarding the Golden Door by Roger Daniels provides an overall clarification of the immigration system in the United States throughout the past and in latest policies. Ever since 1882, America claimed that the settlement objective was to prevent it from occurring, although it permitted the complete opposite. Thus, the single factual policy that has been realistic to American immigration is that it is onRead MoreImpact Of Immigration Laws On A Democratic Society889 Words  | 4 PagesImpacts of Immigration Laws in a Democratic Society: A Literature Review Immigration has changed drastically from the start of the 20th century up to the current age. Immigration is a topic that has had much controversy and debate with each new election and each year that passes. Liberals and Conservatives have many opposing viewpoints when it comes to such a touchy subject as that of immigration. Currently, Presidential candidate Donald Trump has some of the most controversial policies, ideas andRead MoreImmigration Policies Of The United Arab Emirates982 Words  | 4 Pageswithin the sphere of immigration policies. A few examples are Italy, Japan and United Arab Emirates. Now that being said all of these places aren’t necessarily unfavorable places for immigrants, they are just found to still hold restricting policies. These policies include paying money for immigrants to leave, detaining them, and refusing rights. Through all established immigration policies there is heavy debate and controversy, but it’s usually pretty easy to agr ee on policies that come off as tooRead MoreClose Our Borders! Essay1009 Words  | 5 Pagesimmigrants. During that time the United States experienced the biggest wave of immigration of any place or time in the history of the world. It was also during that same time that America felt the greatest growth in production and standard of living than any other point in history (Divine, 1957). For many, the link between these two exceptional points in history was no coincidence. Certainly one of the most controversial topics discussed today is of immigration. There are those who recognize thatRead MoreShould The National Quota Be Regulated With National Quotas?946 Words  | 4 Pages Even though open immigration could offer millions of immigrants with a new place of residency, an open immigration policy has its limits and should be regulated with national quotas. Before discussing what the effects of the national quota are, its origin and purpose has to be mentioned. The national quota originated from the National Origins Act (Immigration Act) of 1924. The act gave the American government the ability to regulate immigration by establishing national quotas. This allowed the governmentRead MorePros and Cons of Immigration Essay730 Words  | 3 PagesPro/Con Illegal Immigration Picture a scenario where crowds of people surround you. You don’t know who they are. Hundreds of people of all cultures, ethnicities, and genders pass by you. To you, they might seem like regular people trying to get from Point A to B. Therefore, you would not assume that they play a significant role in society. However, what if one person that passed by you today was an undocumented citizen in the United States? How would you be able to tell the difference? EveryoneRead MoreThe Influx Of Immigrants During The United States Essay1554 Words  | 7 PagesThe influx of immigrants in the United States has been a source of much controversy since the 1790s. Throughout U.S. history there have always been immigration waves shaping the respective time period. For example, the 1880s were characterized by an increase of eastern and southern Europeans, while post-1965 has seen an increased presence of immigrants primarily from Latin America and Asia (Barone 12). Each wave of immigrants adds to the diversity of the U.S. population by bringing their own languages
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Theodor Herzl Essay Example For Students
Theodor Herzl Essay Theodor Herzl was certainly not the first Jew to dream of Zion, but he nevertheless put the wheels in motion (Zionism 1). Zionism is the name given to the political and ideological creation of a Jewish national state. The rise of the Zionist movement in the late 19th century culminated in the creation of this state in Palestine in 1948. Herzl was born of well to do middle-class parents. He first studied in a scientific secondary school, but to escape from its anti-Semitic atmosphere he transferred in 1875 to a school where most of the students were Jews. In 1878 the family moved from Budapest to Vienna, where he entered the University of Vienna to study law. He received his license to practice law in 1884 but chose to devote himself to literature. Remaining in Vienna, he became o correspondent for Neue Freie Presse (New Free Press), the liberal magazine of the bourgeoisie. In 1889 he married Julie Naschauer, daughter of a wealthy Jewish businessman in Vienna. The marriage was unhappy, although three children were born to it. Herzl had a strong attachment to his mother, who was unable to get along with his wife. These difficulties were increased by the political activities of his later years, in which his wife took little interest. These political activities culminated in 1896, when Herzl published Der Judenstaat, an informational pamphlet in which he proposed that the Jewish question was a political question to be settled by a world council of nations. Although the liberal magazine he worked for tried to prevent the publication of Der Judenstaat and never so much as mentioned it in it’s columns, Herzl would not be deterred. He gathered a small coterie and set out to convene the First Zionist Congress that same year. Being the first political movement to unify the diverse proto-Zionists, five delegates among 200 men and perhaps as many as 10 wome n convened the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Although there are no reliable lists of attending members, there are pictures. Herzl’s own mother can be seen sitting on the dais during some of the proceedings. As a result of the congress, Palestine was chosen as the seat of the Jewish state (because of its associations with Jewish history), and Herzl was made president of the World Zionist Organization (WZO). Jerusalem at that time was under Turkish control, so it was the charge of Herzl and the WZO to negotiate with the Sultan Abdul al-Hammid. Although the sultan was a sympathizer with the Jewish cause, the negotiations were fruitless. Herzl wrote about the First Zionist Congress in his diary â€Å"If I had to sum up the Basel Congress in one wordwhich I shall not do openlyit would be this: At Basel I founded the Jewish state. If I were to say this today, I would be greeted by universal laughter. In five years, perhaps, and certainly in 50, everyone will see it.†(Herzl 1). Theodore Herzl died on July 3, 1904, before realizing the creation of the Jewish state. In 1917, in the midst of a war with Turkey, Great Britain established the Balfour Declaration, a promise to help the creation of a Jewish homeland. By 1920, Britain was given a mandate by the League of Nations to allow Jewish colonization of Palestine, but under Arab pressure they limited their interpretation of the declarat ion. Despite movements for mass forced colonization and for right-wing revolution against Britain, the general Zionists remained friendly toward Great Britain and further negotiated their claim until 1948. Shortly after the Second World War, two crowning achievements pushed ahead to the establishment of the Jewish state (Breyer 18). First, the Nuremberg Trials held worldwide attention to the plight of the Jew and for the necessity of a refuge. Secondly, as an effect of the Trials, United States Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter persuaded the Philippine delegate in the United Nations to cast the majority vote for the creation of the state of Israel. Theodore Herzl’s (and the predecessors of the same philosophy) dream was realized. In 1949, Herzl’s remains were disinterred and moved to Palestine, where they were placed on a mountain later named Mount Herzl. .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 , .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .postImageUrl , .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 , .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121:hover , .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121:visited , .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121:active { border:0!important; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121:active , .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121 .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf8b3e9e5a31374b46ddc1d4429529121:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Holy Trinity and Trimurti EssayThe Jewish state was the product of many complex historic forces, including two World Wars and the efforts of Herzls many followers, it was he who organized the political force that was able to take advantage of the political influences necessary to the creation of the Jewish state. Politics Essays
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
International and Regional Organizations
Introduction The world has witnessed tremendous growth of various organizations in recent years. These organizations have been vital in championing interests of members in various jurisdictions they are found. We have two types of these organizations; international and regional. There is no big difference between them.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on International and Regional Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In fact, a regional organization is an international organization because it draws global membership and has an element of geopolitical feature that in operation it surpass a single state. Membership in a regional organization is determined by a demarcation or a boundary. In most cases, a regional organization is formed to promote political, cooperation and economic integration among member states within specific geopolitical boundary. On the other hand, an international organization p osses elements of global membership and has a wider scope and presence. An international organization is further classified into two categories, that is, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations. In this paper, the writer discusses the international and regional organizations by illustrating their similarities and differences. Further, the writer gives an overview of the post-Cold War and how it contributed to the world economy. And finally, the writer gives a case study of the US as a country practicing open economy and free trade and describes the US international political economy over the years. International and Regional Organizations Buzan and Little (2000) define an international organization as an institution drawing membership from at least three countries, having activities in many countries and whose members are bound together by an official agreement. International organizations are further divided into two groups; nongovernmental, for example Amnesty Internat ional, and intergovemental, for instance, the European Union. Moreover, Buzan and Little (2000) explain that the proliferation of international organizations has increased due to the fact that countries are calling for a stronger sense of interdependence and cooperation in solving global challenges. Closely related to international organizations is regional organizations. Regional organizations are independent bodies whose memberships are drawn from states sharing the same values and missions (Oman, 1994). Similarly, they have some aspects of global membership and their operations involves some elements of geopolitical aspects that span beyond a single nation state (Fawcett, 2004).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some of these regional bodies include; the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), East African Community (EAC), Association of South Asian Nat ions Free Trade Area (AFTA) and North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) among others (Gaddis, 1990). Similarities and differences of International and Regional Organizations International and regional organization have some common similarities. They are both established to further a common goal. For example, if the goal of formation is to enhance the rule of law, both organizations work towards realizing this goal by developing standards and strengthening the rule of law among member states at both regional and global levels. Also, both organizations are in the lead in promoting development. For instance, they assist member states to access grants which enables them to enhance development in their individual states (Gill, 1988). They encourage multilateral and bilateral trade by eliminating trade barriers and coming up with fair rules that minimize monopoly in international and regional trade. Membership in both organizations is voluntary. The organizations do not compel states t o be signatories; individual states have an option of being a member or not. For instance, some states have voluntarily refused to join the International Criminal Court (ICC). Besides, member states can decide to withdraw their membership to the organization at will if proper withdrawal procedures are followed. Talbott (2009) explains that international and regional organizations aim at promoting peace. For instance, international organizations have been promoting peace throughout the world by disrupting terrorism networks and deploying peacekeeping troops in war torn countries. For example, currently, international organizations are helping countries such as the Afghanistan to attain peace. Regional organizations have a similar goal. They are actively involved in promoting peace within their borders and assisting neighboring countries ravaged by war (Talbott, 2009). Both organizations aim at promoting cooperation in various aspects such as politics, culture and social cohesion amon g others. Oman (1994) points out that because these organizations are established with a common goal, they cooperate so as to realize a common goal.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on International and Regional Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite close similarities between the two organizations, their jurisdiction differs. For instance, international organizations are global based whereas regional organizations are based on geopolitical elements that span beyond a single nation state. Post-Cold War and how it Contributed to Our Economy The Cold War was a continuous state of military and political hegemony prevailing between the Eastern Bloc comprising of the Soviet Union and the Western Bloc led by the United States. The War began after the Second World War II. The Cold War received its name as these two opposing powers were threatening each other with destruction using nuclear weapons. Cold War was never fought with the military but opposing blocs were engaging each other in terms of psychological warfare and persistent conflicts using proxies. In a nutshell, the post-Cold War was defined by three significant aspects. One was that the United States became the world superpower in terms of political, economic and military activities. Moreover, Gilpin (2001) notes that after the Cold war, China emerged as a rising superpower in in terms of establishing global industries based on low wages. In Europe, there was re-emergence of new powers as a result of strong and integrated economic influence. Meanwhile, Japan took a histrionic turn and followed a different economic model whereas Russia, the only relic of the Soviet Union was weakened. Economic problem in the Post-Cold War Era Roberts (2006) points out that Cold War contributed to many countries switching to consumerism. For example, the US de-emphasized saving and drummed support for consumption. In fact, the US went to an extent of waving tax pinned on consumer credit interest payments. Roberts (2006) explains that although consumerism was pivotal in supporting the evolving export development strategies of the US and its allies, it led to disruption of the saving power of the economy and high consumption rate. Consumerism compelled the US to seek support from international financial institutions to assist its allies in financial recovery and encourage import substitution to fix development policies. Similarly, exportation systems in the US continued to weaken in 1990s. This aspect decreased the US marginal returns compared to export led growth it had achieved earlier. United States: Open Market and International Trade Open and vibrant markets for global investment and trade are important for a nation to prosper, creating new economic growth and fixing job opportunities for citizens (Roberts, 2006). The US has embraced open market for many years. It has taken an active role in international tra de as evidenced in the number of regional and bilateral trade agreements it is a signatory to.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Besides, it has a sturdy system of multilateral agreements under the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO has assisted the US eliminate investment and trade barriers and prevent discrimination accorded to foreign services, investment and goods. Moreover, under the stewardship of the US various rules and regulations to encourage fair play have been devised. International Political Economy of the United States The US has gone through milestones in its economic growth over the years. According to Baughman and Francois (2010) at the end of the Second World War I, the US was a leading economic powerhouse in the world. However, Watson (2005) notes that the failure of the US to take over the leadership role Britain had failed to deliver contributed to the weakening of its economy. This was demonstrated in increase in tax imposed on imports to the US to about 40%. Furthermore, at the onset of depression, things were very difficult for the US. It closed its markets to foreign trade compel ling the global economy into its worst state ever. Further, failure by the US to coordinate its currency and monetary policies with other nations aggravated the condition (Baughman Francois, 2010). This aspect of isolationism had negative impact for the US and its allies. The US policy makers seemed to have learned lessons from the dangers of isolationism after the WWII. The US took an active role in the world leadership and moved with speed in creating an open trade system rooted in a stable monetary system. Besides, it established the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). In fact, Baughman and Francois (2010) explains that the establishment of the Marshall Plan symbolized the recognition of US special responsibilities and role in enhancing peace and prosperity beyond its borders. The new leadership created a favorable environment for a vibrant economic growth in the US until 1970s. Over the years now, the US is leading by expanding and opening new market frontiers and fi xing rules in view of maintaining and sustaining international commerce. Recently, the US passed trade agreements with Panama, South Korea and Colombia. There are other ongoing negotiations such as the Trans-Pacific partnership. These initiatives by the US are promoting freer trade besides opening new markets for other nations across the world (Gilpin, 2001). Conclusion International and regional organizations are closely related. They are organizations formed with an aim of accomplishing a common goal, enhance economic development and promote cooperation between member states among others. The post-cold war led to the rise of the US as a superpower thus playing a significant role in global matters such as military, economic and political activities. Similarly, it contributed to the rise of China as an emerging economic superpower. On the other hand, Japan adopted a different economic framework to redeem its glory and Soviet Union was weakened economically. The major problem in the post-cold war was a shift to consumerism. Most nations led by the US did not place emphasis on saving but supported consumption. This aspect compelled nations such as the US to seek financial aid from international financial institutions to enable it further its activities. Over the years, the US has endeavored to support free and open trade across the world. It has been steadfast in supporting world trading organizations such as the WTO and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Similarly, it has consistently supported regional blocs in the Americas and devised favorable regulations to promote trade among its partners. References List Baughman, L., and Francois, J. (2010). Trade and American jobs: The impact of trade on U.S. and state-level employment: An update. Washington, DC: Business Roundtable. Buzan, B., and Little, R. (2000). International Systems in World History: Remaking the Study of International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fawcett, L. (2004). ‘Explorin g Regional Domains: A Comparative History of Regionalism’, International Affairs, 80 (3), 429-446. Gaddis, J.L., (1990). Russia, the Soviet Union and the United States. An Interpretative History. New York: McGraw-Hill Gill, S. (1988). Global Political Economy: perspectives, problems and policies. New York: Harvester. Gilpin, R. (2001). Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Oman, C. (1994). Globalisation and Regionalisation: The Challenge for Developing Countries. Paris, OECD. Roberts, G. (2006). Stalin’s Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939–1953. Yale: Yale University Press Talbott, S. (2009). The Great Experiment: The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern States, and the Quest for a Global Nation. New York: Simon Schuster Watson, M. (2005). Foundations of International Political Economy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan This research paper on International and Regional Organizations was written and submitted by user Amalia Ryan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sexually Transmited Disease Essays - RTT, Epidemiology,
Sexually Transmited Disease The world today has slowly come to a very scary time. We have been plagued with a number of diseases, which can be acquired with the greatest of ease. As immune as one may think they are to the sexually transmitted diseases, there is nothing one can do or pay for that would take away what could end up being a part of ones life forever. It is true that some may have a cure, but what one will go through in the mean time is never worth it. Regardless, the most severe of the diseases are incurable. Ignorance has an incredible power over people when it comes to this topic, and for this reason STDs are spreading uncontrollably. These diseases exist in three different forms, Viral, Bacterial, and Parasitic. Even though many different diseases exist within these three forms, three will be spoken about; Hepatitis, a viral disease, Chlamydia, a bacterial disease, and Pubic lice, a parasitic disease. Among the Viral sexually transmitted diseases there exist some of the worst. HIV (AIDS), all types of Herpes, Genital Warts, and all types of Hepatitis. Viral STDs are with one for life there exist no cures. Hepatitis exists in five forms, A,B,C, D, and E. Hepatitis A and E are spread by contaminated drinking water or food contaminated by feces. Hepatitis B,C, and D can be transmitted through blood transfusion, sharing contaminated needles, or sexually, especially Hepatitis B Medicine Essays
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Chronicles of Tao Book Review
Chronicles of Tao Book Review In reading Chronicles of Tao, this type of spirituality appeals to me in many ways. I have long been fascinated with the Chinese philosophy and practice of Feng Shui, i.e. the flow of "chi" (energy) and balance of yin and yang. I have even arranged my home in a fashion that optimizes this concept and attempts to bring "balance" into my life. Although it is obviously not a complete form of Taoism, I found many similarities and felt very comfortable with the concepts of the Tao. In addition, I have, for a long time, felt that meditation and certain rituals help to bring balance and spirituality to a person's life. This type of spirituality is completely different from the beliefs that I grew up with, but it is difficult to deny that meditation helps to calm the mind and bring some balance to the inner thoughts. Although I could not ever see myself becoming a Taoist, I agree that some of the practices can help a person become more spiritual in whatever beliefs he or she might have.Confu cianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are one, a lita...Since I know a few things about Feng Shui, reading Chronicles of Tao was entertaining because Feng Shui seems to have come from the Taoist religion. When the Grand Master was telling Saihung the story of the Two Immortals in chapter fourteen, he tells of how they became immortal. They were two little boys who happened upon a disciple of another immortal named Dong Fengshui, whose name might be coincidental or perhaps related in some way, who offered them a peach that if they ate would make the boys immortal so they ate it. In chapter seventeen, when Saihung is to be left at the cave to "discover his true self," the Grand Master gives Saihung a Bagua mirror, which...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Pholosophy Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pholosophy Questions - Essay Example The rest of the personality is developed by the society. In order to be flexible, individuals must doubt their views and beliefs. This doubt holds critical importance in the journey to discover the truth. It may lead an individual into impasses and dilemmas initially but eventually doubt leads to a point that does not leave any more room for doubt. This elimination of doubt creates a sense of irrefutable authenticity in the beliefs and views of an individual. The degree of doubt presented by Descartes’ first meditations is astounding. Descartes takes the measure of doubt to a whole new level which even involves doubting one’s innate senses. He presents arguments and situations that clarify the need for such doubts. This also questions the existence of oneself, which he mentions as ‘I’ (Williams, Descartes & Cottingham, 1996). The diversity of opinions in the world has created so much room for error. If everyone firmly believes that his/her views are qualifi ed, then who is right and who is wrong. Surely there has to be one path towards the truth; therefore doubting all of the opinions including one’s own is necessary to filter out the real truth. The fact that Descartes takes the degree of doubt to another level stems from his idea to even doubt one’s basic senses of perception upon which all knowledge is based. The idea that senses of perception can deceive an individual does not cross logic since they have deceived people in the past. Our senses have deceived us in matters of observation of minute and distant objects. This is a reasonable claim to support the argument of doubting our senses. However, Descartes cannot reject the authentic of a certain set of basic knowledge such geometry and arithmetic. The first argument presented by Descartes in favor of doubting one’s senses relates to dreams. Dreams feel real until we are woken up from them so who is to decide if the present situation is not a dream but in fac t reality. Being asleep and awake are two different things so it is possible that one of these states is actually the reality but what if both these states are actually a part of an unrealized dream. If the present is not a reality but actually a dream then the mind and body do not exist in reality; they are mere illusions. This is the argument upon which Descartes doubts the authenticity of his senses; However, Rene further presents another side of the picture by drawing an analogy from a painting. Whatever a painter paints on the canvas comes from what he/she observes around him. Even if the painter paints something completely out of this world, he/she still uses the colors that are around him thereby testifying the existence of these colors and objects in the painting. Similarly dreams can be imagined as our canvas and whatever we see in them is a reflection of the things that we observe while we are awake. No matter how irrational the dreams may be, they are still influenced by the reality as we perceive it. So what we see in dreams must actually exist, however, the dreams may not be entirely based on the reality but perhaps carry only the nuance of reality. This argument basically means that dreams do not testify the existence of the body and all its senses, in fact it testifies to the existence of basic knowledge such as geometry and arithmetic, which cannot be doubted. All other knowledge such as physics and astronomy are based on them. The concepts presented in these
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Financial Futures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Financial Futures - Essay Example And, the carry cost is the amount of interest expense paid by the investor to hold on to the commodity purchased in the futures market until the maturity of the futures contract. Many bold and daring investors would enter into an arbitrage transaction where they would invest in shares of stocks in a corporation with the hope that the company will merge or consolidate with another company in the same line of business (Bjrk 2004, 1). The following paragraphs will explain in detail how commodity futures work. Most investors would enter into a cash and carry arbitrage contract. Their main reason would be to invest in two securities that are differently priced in the market with respect to each other. Eventually, the prices of both commodities will correct itself by either increasing or decreasing per commodity. For, a correction of prices would cause a profit on one commodity and a loss on the other commodity. Equitably, both commodities will zero out thereby future losses can be avoided or diminished to a great extend. The commodities include gold, silver, coffee, sugar, oil, U.S. dollar currency, European dollar currency, Japanese Yen, French Franc, and other currencies. Also, "For as long as national currencies are in operation, and are used in day-to-day foreign trade, the demand and supply for those currencies will be affected by the size of exports and imports in those currencies" (Scobie, Buckley, and Fox 1998, 8) Further, the arbitrage investor would profit from his investments if he invests in a security and in the futures contracts. The investor would then profit if the amount he put in the commodity plus the added cost of carrying is less than the futures prices. One definite advantage of the commodities futures market is that the investors can sell a commodity like the European dollar today and then buy the same commodity, European dollar, three days from today. This is not possible in the real world outside the commodities market. A person cannot sell a product that he or she does not own. For this would entail personnel turning over to the buyer the car, house, shirt, or computer game the moment when he or she pays for the items bought (Blake 2000, 231). In terms of oil, "The oil industry, more than other energy sectors, is global in its character and operations. The geographical concentration of reserves and the vital role of oil in modern society has made it the principal commodity in international trade (Haugland, Bergesen, and Roland 1998, 54) " Also, the current pricing of Eurodollar futures and US dollar Foreign Rate Agreements (FRA) high frequency data shows that arbitrage opportunities are linked to the presence of stale FRA quotes and the oscillatory behavior of FRA quotes. And, Inter -market information flows are found to be of much shorter duration than previously reported with the futures market playing the dominant role in the information transmission process in the shorter -dated maturities. Many companies invest in short term interest rate futures and forward rate agreements for
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Scan of the annotated bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Scan of the annotated bibliography - Essay Example Qualitative research uses a naturalistic approach that seeks to understand phenomena in context-specific settings. In contrast, quantitative methods are, in general, supported by the positivists’ paradigm, which characterizes that the world is made up of observable and measurable facts. Positivists assume that a fixed measurable reality exists external to people (Glesne, 1999). On the other hand, qualitative methods are generally supported by the interpretivist (also referred to as constructivist) who portrays the world in which reality is socially constructed, complex, and ever changing. Each represents a fundamentally different inquiry paradigm and researcher actions are based on the underlying assumptions of each paradigm. The non-experimental studies used a variety of research methods such as observations, interviews, survey, questionnaires, etc. The data for these studies were mostly the responses of participants and self-reports and were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The wealth of research on various topics on romance provided a credible backdrop for the analysis of data. Glesne (1999) states that qualitative researchers seek out a variety of perspectives; they do not reduce the multiple interpretations to a norm. She adds that in qualitative research, face-to-face interactions are the predominant distinctive feature and also the basis for its most common problem. Such problem she states include researchers’ involvement with the people they study and the accompanying challenges, and opportunities that such closeness brings. Straus and Corbin (1990) claim that qualitative methods can be used to better understand any phenomenon about which little is yet known. They can also be used to gain new perspectives on things about which much is already known, or to gain more in-depth information that may be difficult to convey quantitatively, or where the researcher has determined that quantitative measures cannot adequately describe or
Friday, November 15, 2019
Reaction Between Persulphate And Iodide Ions Biology Essay
Reaction Between Persulphate And Iodide Ions Biology Essay Persulphate (S2O82-) is reduced to sulphate (SO42-) in presence of iodide ions (I-) in aqueous solution. While persulphate is being reduced, iodide is being oxidised to iodine. The overall reaction equation being: S2O82- + 2I- à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ 2SO42- + I2 On the other hand, iodine can be converted to iodide in presence of thiosulphate (S2O32-) as follows: I2 + 2S2O32- à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ S4O62- + 2I- If iodine indicator is added to the solution a blue colour of the starch-based iodine indicator complex develops after all thiosulphate has been consumed. This is because the starch-based iodine indicator complex is very stable in high concentrations of iodine. The charges transfers and the energy level spacings in the resulting complex correspond to absorptions in the visible part of the spectrum blue. The strength of the resulting blue colour depends on the amount of iodine present. Therefore, the development of the blue colour is useful as it indicates a constant point in the progress of the reaction which can be taken as being representative of the end of the reaction (Practical Booklet p.37). Several kinetic parameters can be easily analysed and determined if those reactions are timed as they progress from start to end, hence the importance of the component time (t) in kinetic studies. By adding a known amount of thiosulphate and iodine indicator, the reaction rate can be determined as it obeys the following rate equation: AIMS This experiment was undertaken to determine the reaction rate, the order of reaction with respect to both iodide and persulphate, and the effect of variation in ionic strength on the rate constant of this reaction. EXPERIMENTAL Methods Procedures An exact copy of the methods provided in the practical booklet is attached to this document as no deviations were made from those given. RESULTS Reaction Time t (min:sec) Tim t (seconds) 1 19:32 1172 2 9:45 585 3 9:58 598 4 25:20 1520 5 33:30 2010 Table Timing of reaction from the exact time of mixing to the time of the blue colour appearance Treatment of results Reaction Solution A Solution B ( + 0.5g iodine indicator) [KI] (mol cm-3) [Na2S2O3] (mol cm-3) [KCl] (mol cm-3) [K2S2O8] (mol cm-3) H2O (cm3) 1 0.05 0.0005 0.100 0.004 25.0 2 0.10 0.0005 0.050 0.004 22.5 3 0.05 0.0005 0.088 0.008 15.6 4 0.05 0.0005 0.050 0.004 27.5 5 0.05 0.0005 0.000 0.004 30.0 Table Concentrations of all substances in the final reaction mixture and water volume to account for dilution to a 50cm-3 final volume. From the rate equation of this reaction: Interpreting the above results, doubling [I-] while keeping [S2O82-] constant doubles the rate of reaction halves t (time of appearance of the blue colour). Doubling [S2O82-] while keeping [I-] constant, also doubles the rate of reaction. The below equation gives the relationship of the variation of rate constant (k) with ionic strength (I): This equation is of type , where k0 is the limiting value of the rate constant at zero ionic strength. where zA and zB are the charges of the two ions involved in the rate-determining step at low ionic strengths. Since [I-] remains constant during each kinetic run, the integrated rate equation is: where a and (a-x) represent [S2O82-] at times t = 0 and t = t respectively. Making k the subject: Hence, for reactions 1, 4 and 5: Per 2 moles of S2O32- consumed 1 mole of S2O82- oxidises iodide because any iodine produced is converted back to iodide until all thiosulphate is consumed. Therefore, adding a known amount of thiosulphate allows to determine the concentration of persulphate at the end of the reaction, when t=t. From 0.0005 mol cm-3 of S2O32- consumed, 0.0005/2 = 0.00025 mol cm-3 of S2O82- were consumed. Therefore the remaining persulphate at the end of reaction = 0.0040 0.00025 = 0.00375 mol cm-3 For reaction 2: For reaction 3: At the start of this run [S2O82-] = 0.00800 mol cm-3 and [S2O32-] = 0.0005 mol cm-3. At the end of the reaction 0.0005/2 = 0.00025 mol cm-3 of S2O82- were consumed. Hence, from the initial concentration of S2O82-: 0.00800 0.00025 = 0.00775 mol cm-3 of S2O82- were present at t=t. Rate Constant Determination The value of k can now be calculated for each mixture. The values were calculated and recorded in the table below: Reaction Rate Constant (k) / mol cm-3s-1 1 2 3 4 5 Table Values of k constant for each reaction mixture Calculation sample: For reaction 1: t = 1172 s Ionic Strength Determination The contribution of each electrolyte to the total ionic strength is given by: Taking into account the dilution of the final volume to 50 cm3 of all electrolytes, and knowing that for 1:1 electrolytes, I=concentration, and for 2:1 electrolytes, I= 3 x concentration. Hence, for these mixtures: The ionic strength was calculated and recorded in the table below: Reaction Ionic Strength (I) / mol cm-3 1 0.164 2 0.164 3 0.164 4 0.114 5 0.0635 Table Ionic Strength per each reaction Sample calculation: Calculation of B and k0 In order to determine B and k0 a plot of v.s. logk was plotted. Reaction k(mol cm-3s-1) Logk(mol cm-3s-1) I(mol cm-3) 1 -2.96 0.164 0.288 2 -2.96 0.164 0.288 3 -2.97 0.164 0.288 4 -3.07 0.114 0.252 5 -3.19 0.0635 0.201 Table k constant and ionic strength for each reaction Graph Correlation between logk and ionic strength The correlation is given as being y = 2.6305x 3.7229. Hence: logK0= -3.72 mol cm-3 s-1 k0= mol cm-3 s-1 k0= mol dm-3 s-1 B = 2.63 à ¢Ã‹â€ †Hà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ †Sà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¡ Calculation DISCUSSION (Questions) As stated above: (..) doubling [I-] while keeping [S2O82-] constant doubles the rate of reaction halves t (time of appearance of the blue colour). Doubling [S2O82-] while keeping [I-] constant, also doubles the rate of reaction. Hence, in the rate equation: x= 1 and y=1. The reaction is of first order with respect to and with respect to . As a result, the overall rate of reaction is x+y=2. The overall rate of reaction is of second order in which the rate determining step is: S2O82- + I- à IS2O83- This is consistent with the rate observed experimentally by comparing mixtures 1 to 2 and 1 to 3. The value of B (2.63) is rather high in comparison with the theoretical value but of same magnitude. As stated above, B is given by where zA and zB are the charges of the two ions involved in the rate-determining step. Hence, theoretically . The value of k0 determined experimentally is rather low in comparison to the published value. k0= mol dm-3 s-1 Published value: mol dm-3 s-1 Some source of error must have influenced this result. Perhaps wrong timing and contaminated glassware would allow a rather faster/slower reaction which results in a different rate constant (k). (Answer to Q1 above.) The ionic strength is the same for reactions 1, 2 and 3. Reaction 4 shows a characteristic ionic strength for the concentrations of ions present in the mixture (Table 2). Accordingly, reaction 5 with no KCl added shows a rather low ionic strength as expected. A variation of Ionic strength vs. Rate constant is notable. With reference to table 5, a decrease in ionic strength accompanies a decrease in the rate constant the lower the ionic strength of a reaction the lower its rate constant (k). It is important to mention that the ionic strength of each mixture remains constant up to time t (appearance of blue colour). This is perfectly understandable because the rate of production of anions is equal to the rate of their expenditure, hence manifesting a constant ionic strength. However, when all thiosulphate has been consumed the ionic strength decreases because an interruption in their equilibrium causes the consumption of iodine to stop. In other words: When the reactions reaches t: S2O82- + 2I- à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ 2SO42- + I2 I2 + 2S2O32- à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ S4O62- + 2I- Thus, at t there is an increase in the amount of I2 and a drastic decrease in the amount of I-. Therefore: At t, which results in a low ionic strength. (Answer to Q2 above) For this experiment, the value of calculated is rather low but positive. All systems tend to progress in a direction of increasing entropy and therefore an increase in the disorder of the system in question. For this bimolecular reaction in solution at 25 °C, the entropy of activation of the rate determining step is positive meaning the final starch-based iodine indicator complex is rather stable because increases in entropy correspond to irreversible changes in a system. This is because the amount of work the system can do is limited because most of the energy was wasted as heat; therefore this reaction is thermodynamically irreversible reaction. (Answer to Q3 above) A reaction which proceeds more slowly with increasing ionic strength is CONCLUSION Aims were accomplished. All kinetic parameters were determined although some major sources of error were present during this experiment. Possible sources of error may include difficult or inappropriate timing (non-digital watches were used). Difficulty to quickly detect the end point of the reaction (development of blue colour) as the rate of reaction to some of the mixtures was very slow; contamination of glassware could also contribute for such errors. Nevertheless, the order of reaction with respect to both iodide and persulphate was determined precisely; and the effect of decreasing ionic strength is known to decrease the rate of reaction.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Inatimate Object Essay Essay
In my personal opinion, Mr. Rizzo would be a book because there are plenty of things that you can learn from him. For example you can learn life lessons, football, volleyball, and wrestling skills, and math skills. Particularly I think the book he would be, would be a â€Å"Boys Handbook†type. I say this because Mr. Rizzo is a coach of all boys’ sports, is a good teacher at the things he teaches, and is very smart. Rizzo is a pre-algebra teacher in the Brackman Middle School. My eighth grade year having him as a math teacher helped me understand the concepts of algebra a lot better than I did. The way he teaches things he shows examples and works hand-in-hand with a student who may need the extra help (one reason why I believe he’s such a great teacher). Also, Mr. Rizzo showed my class a lot of tips, and tricks that can help you work through confusing algebraic equations. I’m very happy that I was able to have Mr. Rizzo as my teacher because a lot of things he had taught me helped carry through my first Algebra 1 course as a freshman. In this book that Mr. Rizzo may be as an inanimate object, someone could learn math skills, tips, or tricks, like what he verbally taught me in the classroom. Also, Mr. Rizzo is a great athletic coach. He coaches wrestling and football at the middle school level, and varsity volleyball in the Barnegat High school. He had a scholarship for wrestling back in the day, but it was unfortunately taken away after he got into a fight in school and accidentally hit his wrestling coach’s wife in the face as she tried break up the fight that he was in. As a wrestler I know everything I know from Mr. Rizzo. I entered the Brackman Middle School gym my sixth grade year knowing absolutely nothing about wrestling. From then on I just constantly learned move, after trick, after combination, and more from him. As a football player I was coached by Rizzo for only one season when I was in eighth grade. He was my defensive coach for me and the rest of the linebackers. Not knowing much about the position because I used to play the defensive line in recent years, he taught me a lot of new ways to play, holes to hit, coverage zones, and more. I’ve never played on a volleyball team but what I hear firsthand from players of Rizzo’s, is that he is nothing but a good coach. Between talking to Rizzo at wrestling, football, or in the classroom, my mind was always being blown by stories he had to tell about what has happened in his life, his family, what he had been through, and more. He changed my outlook on the future and made me realize that if you don’t work hard to succeed you’ll go nowhere in life. From stories of all the jobs he had worked to support himself and his family, different jobs to do, places to end up in life really showed me that you need to work hard to have a good life. What Rizzo had taught to me over the three years I’d see him on a regular basis, was that whatever you do, you have to put your mind to and give it your all. Also that nothing in life comes easy to you and that you have to work for things. What I learned from him I believe will have a very large and positive impact on my future. In conclusion, if Mr. Derrick Rizzo were to ever become an inanimate object I believe that he would be a book. This book would not be just a regular one, but something can help many people, with many things. It can definitely increase someone’s math smarts by a lot, by helping explain how to work through big problems, how to graph, simplify, and much more. You can learn a lot of tips and tricks in a lot of sports. Different ways to play defense in football, what holes to hit, who to cover, and what to do. In wrestling you can learn takedowns, pin combinations, escapes, and more; and how to play and do things in volleyball. Also, it can really change the way that people may look at life and think about or approach things. It would not only help and positively benefit people; it will also show why Mr. Rizzo is such an interesting person.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
University project help
Exchange rates, transportation and trade costs all need to be accounted for in the bid. These added costs make cost control (in other controllable areas of the project) vital. Without tight cost control, the company will not be able to compete with bids of domestic firms. 3. Why is cost estimation such an important component of project planning? Discuss how it links together with the Work Breakdown Structure and project schedule? Cost estimation, if done correctly, enables a firm to determine if the project will be profitable, if the company can afford the project and in general if the project is worth ursuing.It also provides the company with a cost range for bidding (in the case ofa customer-oriented project). With respect to Work Breakdown Structure and project schedule, cost estimation is important because it leads to budgeting of monetary and other resources (both material and human). These allocations must coordinate with the Work Breakdown Structure and project schedules prepa red by management to figure out if the required resources will be available as needed. 4. Imagine you were developing a software package for your company's intranet.Give xamples of the various types of costs (labor, materials, equipment and facilities, subcontractors, etc. ) and how they would apply to your project. Potential costs of creating software package include costs of labor, materials, subcontractors, equipment and facilities and travel. Software engineers, developers, computer technicians, trainers (for end users) and technical writers would incur labor costs. Material costs may come from printing and creating installation CDs/ disks, additional mainframe hardware, memory or accessories, and any printing and paper requirements for user manuals.Developers and contractors may require extra space or equipment. Subcontractors may be used to consult on design and implementation. Subcontractors may require costs associated with travel if the firm is not local. 5 Give reasons bot n in tavor ot and against the use ot personal time charge as a cost estimate for a project activity. Using a personal time charge can create a more accurate assessment of time by including a reasonable amount of downtime in estimates of work time.By using the personal time charge, a company can be better compensate for its labor resources, s all time (productive or not) spent on a particular Job is a use of human/intellectual resources. However, from a customer's perspective this charge may appear unwarranted. The personal time charge allows time for unproductive breaks. Customers will most likely be reluctant to pay for unproductive time – resulting in payment disputes. 6. Think of an example of parametric estimating in your personal experience, such as the use of a cost multiplier based on a similar, past cost.Did parametric estimating work or not. Discuss the reasons why. This is a personal example question and should only be applied to students with ome project experience . 7. Put yourself in the position ofa project customer. Would you accept the cost adjustments associated with learning curve effects or not? Under what circumstances would learning curve costs be appropriately budgeted into a project? As a customer, I would not accept fees when the repetitive work (that accounts for the learning curve) is a routine Job for the supplier.The reason for this is that I would be paying for learning effects that others would reap the benefit from. Also, learning effects associated with new employees would be unreasonable to include in project illing. On the other hand, if the repetitive work/learning curve effects were project or customer specific, then budgeting the costs into the project would be appropriate. 8. Consider the common problems with project cost estimation and recall a project with which you have been involved. Which of these common problems did you encounter most often? Why?
Friday, November 8, 2019
Ramses II essays
Ramses II essays While visiting the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, I found numerous works of art that interested me. I was able to appreciate these works more than before because of the knowledge I now possess after having taken this class thus far. Understanding the background, time periods, and history of the works that I was practically analyzing at the museum, made the pieces even more interesting and valuable to behold. The piece of work that captured my eyes the most was the statue of Ramesses II (?). This statue was found at the Heracleopolis, Temple of Harsaphes, in Egypt. This sculpture was made somewhere between 1897 and 1834, during Egypts Middle Kingdom. The artist was probably an ancient Egyptian who was patroned by the Pharaoh Ramesses II himself. According to the museums description of the work, Ramesses II seized this sculpture from a former ruler and the head was replaced to fit Ramesses satisfaction. This is a historical piece to preserve his power and immortality. This statue is an example of freestanding sculpture or sculpture in the round. It has been carved and chiseled out of Quartzite stone. This particular stone is composed mainly or entirely of quartz. The stone is compact and is a form of metamorphosed sandstone in which silica, or quartz, has been deposited between the grains of quartz of which the sandstone is essentially composed. Quartzite has a smooth fracture and is found primarily among ancient rocks. The subject and iconography of the work is to emphasize the success, reign and power of Ramesses II. According to the museums description, the sculpture also functioned as a place for the non-priests of the community to place votive offerings for the gods of the temple. The non-priests were not allowed in the temples hence the sculpture must have been near the entrance of the temple. There is a slab in front of t...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Punishment in America Essays
Punishment in America Essays Punishment in America Paper Punishment in America Paper The corrections system in the United States is known for having the highest incarceration rate than any other country and some people believe our punishments are either too harsh or too lenient. In my opinion I believe it depends on the type of crime correlating with the punishment. Not necessarily all of our punishments for crimes are too lenient or too harsh, I would say it relies on the type of crime committed and even specifically the technicalities of the crime. There will always be room for improvement for our sentencing and punishments for crimes, but our penal ode and our laws are written quite well, its all about how you depict the law and what a Judge decides on as far as the punishment goes. Of course there are many factors that go along with sentencing and punishment, but as a whole, with everything considered, punishment in America seems fair for the most part. Three main crimes related to these punishments are white collar crimes, drug crimes along with more serious crimes that result in the death penalty. Many people in America and some states look at white collar crimes as if they are not nearly as important as violent crimes. Although white collar crimes usually havent effected anyone physically, they still have the capability of damaging businesses along with peoples lives, whether it be financially or Just their life as a whole. White collar crime is a sticky subject because there are even cases that I believe were treated too leniently or some that I thought had a fair punishment correlating with the crime. One great example of a white collar crime that I believe had a lenient punishment is the case of Chalana McFarland. McFarland was a real estate attorney who was accused of committing acts of fraud, identity theft, mortgage cams, money laundering and other equally devastating crimes. McFarland left lenders with $20 million in defaulted loans by using inflated property values and real estate flipping deals. She was sentenced to 30 years in prison and ordered to pay $12 million in restitution for her crimes. (Amanda Haury, Sentences For White-Collar Criminals, Investopedia, 5/12/2012). A crime like this one most likely leaves the families involved devastated financially and can tear a family apart. Events like these cannot be fixed simply, even with restitution. I personally would see to it that McFarland receive a heavier punishment for her actions. On the other hand, the case of Thomas Petters is one I feel was treated fairly well and the punishment went along with the crime. Petters was a business mogul who was accused and convicted of money laundering and fraud in a Ponzi scheme that cost investors over $3. billion of their hard-earned money. Petters was sentenced to a 50-year prison term, although the prosecutors recommended a sentence of 335 years. (Amanda Haury, Sentences For White-Collar Criminals, Investopedia, 5/12/2012). If we Petters were to be rosecuted under the full extent of the law he wouldVe faced a life term in prison, which would have been a waste of our tax money along with putting one more person into our already overcrowded correction system . Our next charge related punishment deals vastly with drug charges and how they are being implemented. Statistically incarcerating thousands of nonviolent drug offenders throughout the past few years has cost our states a massive amount of money that could be used elsewhere in the corrections system. (Margaret Dooley- Sammuli, Drug Penalties, California, Drug Policy Alliance, 12/16/2011). For crimes such as having any kind of illegal narcotic on your person, other than marijuana, its automatically a felony offense with the incarceration period of three months. If we dropped the offense from a felony to a misdemeanor, it would save the state a great sum of money and resources. Going along with that instead of incarcerating perpetrators for a minor drug possession charge, we should implement other state programs such as probation. This frees up our correction system along with our judicial system as well. My argument is that the punishment for these minor drug harges are too extensive and harsh. With the proposal of dropping minor drug charges from a felony to a misdemeanor, this would resolve the problem with the punishment related to this crime. The United States remains in the minority of nations in the world that still uses the death penalty for certain crimes. I along with many people in America today still believe that the death penalty is very important in that we use it as a tool in fghting violent pre-meditated murder. One big downside to the death penalty is the possibility that innocent men and women will be put to death. Also financial cost to tax payers of capital punishment is several times that of housing the perpetrator in prison. The punishment relating to this crime is quite fair, although I believe there are many cases in that a person has committed murder but has not received the death penalty for their actions. Of the 22,000 homicides committed every year approximately 1 50 people are sentenced to death (Death Penalty Facts, California, Death Penalty Focus, 3/31/2009). The only real problem I still see relevant to the punishment regarding any crimes that lead to the death penalty, is that there are still nnocent people being put to death and obviously once this is done there is no reversing this action. Generally speaking I would say the death penalty as a punishment is fair and that we are being too lenient in that people who should receive the death penalty are given a life sentence in prison as an alternative. Overall the three main crimes, white collar crimes, drug crimes along with more serious crimes that result in the death penalty all carry punishments that are supposed to correlate with the crime, with the intention of finding grounds between eing too harsh or too lenient. As weve found white collar crimes usually have fair punishments but can be lenient at times Just because they arent violent crimes and although they arent violent crimes they can still have a devastating effect on peoples lives. Drug crimes are deemed to be too harsh as far as punishment goes. If you are charged with a minor drug possession charge, it should simply be a misdemeanor rather than a felony which would equate to harsher punishment and longer sentences. The death penalty is a punishment which isnt implemented enough, but n the other hand if it is implemented it can have negative effects as in executing an innocent person. Death penalty as a whole seems to be too lenient and doesnt have the effect that it should with our communities. In the end the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and nas many punishments that are considered to many as, too lenient or too harsh, but none the less I feel punishment in America is fair regarding most crimes. I feel there will always be room for improvement and speculation for how our punishments are implemented, but as a ountry, punishment is implemented correctly and fairly overall. investopedia. com/financial-edge/0512/sentences-for-white-collar criminals-too-harsh-or-too-lenient. aspx (Amanda Haury, Sentences For White-Collar Criminals, Investopedia, 5/12/2012) http:// www. californiaprogressreport. com/site/drug-penalties-too-harsh anyone (Margaret Dooley-Sammuli, Drug Penalties, California, Drug Policy Alliance, 12/16/2011) deathpenalty. org/section. php? id=13 (Death Penalty Facts, California, Death Penalty Focus, 3/31/2009)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Outline and critique the subjective interpretation of probability Essay
Outline and critique the subjective interpretation of probability - Essay Example In normal conversations, one might say â€Å"the storm will hit the city†, usually, the person does not imply that the storm hitting the or not hitting the city is a random factor and that the odds presently favour, such a person in normal conversation qualifies the statement to a degree of confidence. When in a newspaper it is written â€Å"the most probable explanation†of the Mother Gaston Boulevard Street in Brooklyn, New York is that it was named after Mother Rosetta Gaston. The statement does not imply that Mother Rosetta Gatson is not favoured by a random factor, but it is pretty much the most plausible reason that can be given to the evidence, which disputes others that are less likely. Subjectivist Probability This category implies a situation in which an argument may be allocated whatever the circumstance, even when no random process is involved, in a bid to show the subjective plausibility, or the level to which the argument is aided by the existing evidence. In a number of situations, subjectivist probabilities are taken to imply the degrees of belief, defined in the manner in which an individual is capable of gambling at certain odds. ... Mathematically, this can be defined as P (A) = NA N The mathematical definition has its limits, which was not taken into account, the theory failed to consider numbers that could run to infinity and merely considered finite number of possible outcomes. There are some random games for instance as tossing of a coin-like object until it gives a tail might run into endless set of outcome- infinite outcomes. Additionally, one may need to determine beforehand all the likely outcomes are equally plausible without depending on the concept of probability to avoid circularity for example by symmetry concerns. The frequensists suggests that the likelihood of an occurrence is the relative frequency over given number of times, which is the relative frequency of happenings after repetition of a process over considerable amount of time, given similar conditions. The occurrences of events are presumed to be under certain random physical phenomenon which is basically not knowable. Outsides the confin es of theory and into the real world, tossing of a dice and spinning of roulette wheel can be examples of such. Other scientist suggests that the radioactive decay might be included as a possible example under the frequency probability. Frequency theorists argue that when one is tossing a coin, the probability of getting a tail is 1/2, they don’t rely on the simple explanation of chance, but rather on the expectation that a repeated series of numerous trials show that the empirical frequency will ultimately converge to the limit ? as the number of tossing goes to infinity. The mathematical definition hence becomes, therefore P (A) = P. this approach is not without its set back, infinity is assumed
Friday, November 1, 2019
Epigenetics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Epigenetics - Research Paper Example Such environmental factors may include their lifestyles, the foods they eat or even the use of make up. Powerful abnormal persistent memories may lead to changes in one’s behavior. Chromatin modifications relate to learning and memory and could therefore help give an insight into relation between memory and drug seeking behavior (Malvaez, 2009). Individuals addicted to drug use may end up having memory lapses. After extended periods of abstinence, a relapse may occur. This is because relapse may be caused by exposure to external forces previously associated with the drug use like places, people or paraphernalia. (O’Brien, 1988) There may be no history of a disease like cancer in one’s family. However, if one lives a life that predisposes them to conditions that may facilitate spread of cancer, the disease will crawl into their systems. You are born with family history but your lifestyle dictates who you become. The Environment and lifestyle, it could be healthy or unhealthy largely affects the concept of epigenetics. Family history may therefore not play a big role in shaping what one eventually becomes. We’re born with genes of the family. However, our lifestyles end up dictating what we actually become. Besides, our environments end up playing a role in what we become. Environment can be social or natural. If identical twins adopt lifestyles completely different from each other, say one is physically active and the other is not, the physically active one is likely not to suffer from cardiovascular diseases unlike the physically inactive one. With regard to life expectancy, our grandparents may have lived longer than the subsequent generation. This may be due to the lifestyles the grandparents lived which could have impacted on their genes and thus were subsequently passed to the next generations hence manifested
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Tourism Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
The Tourism Industry - Essay Example Urban tourism is a special kind of tourism which is linked to urban lifestyles in relation to a number of tourist activities existing in the cities. It is therefore defined as a set of established resources and activities found in a city and have been availed for the external visitors. The visitors may come with the aim of getting entertained or for business purposes or are on official duties. Other than urban tourism is a form of tourism, it is considered as a fundamental, traditional and characteristic feature of urban life. This is because most cities have changed from being places of population mobility offering tourists just a short break. They have therefore become cultural centers with relaxation and shopping places where people can meet their friends and effectively spend their free time. Tourism activities in cities differ in relation to differences in sizes, available resources and existing features for tourist attraction. The difference can also be in terms of disparity of lifestyles within the various cities. Hence urban tourism is a representation of the fascinating features of a city and resources aimed at attracting visitors and residents. The tourism activities contribute to the development of the cities and urban life. Moreover, it is a requirement for cities to have heritage values coupled with the modern state of the art infrastructure that fully meets the needs and desires of tourists. This means there is a need for aims to be directed at developing good infrastructural services and preserving the historic centers.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Consumer Ethics Essay Example for Free
Consumer Ethics Essay In this paper I will express my opinion on the thought that some marketers say that targeting any group of consumers who are willing and able to purchase a product is simply good marketing. I will discuss why I believe that this is a good marketing technique. I will also discuss whether or not I think it is important for college students to study the topic of consumer ethics. Good Marketing? I believe that it is a smart marketing technique to target any group of consumers who are willing and able to purchase a product even if it is fatty foods and soft drinks being marketed towards children. The reason that I believe this is because it is the marketer’s job for a company to get consumers to purchase the product that they are advertising. Although it may be morally wrong to target children for products like candy, they are most likely the group who will either be purchasing this product or influencing their parents to purchase it. This is why I believe it is a smart strategy for marketers, although it may be slightly questionable. Consumer Ethics I believe that it is important for college students to study consumer ethics. The reason that I believe this is because in order for us to fully mature as adults I think that we need to learn how to be completely ethical in all aspects of life, including being a consumer. Consumer ethics can teach us about software piracy, which I believe is a huge problem with many college students who illegally download music and films. I believe that this can help us in our lives so it is important for college students to learn about consumer ethics. This is why I think college students should study consumer ethics. Conclusion In this paper I discussed my feelings on two different topics. The first topic was about questionable marketing tactics, which I believe can be effective and is a good way to market. The second topic I expressed my views on was consumer ethics, and whether or not college students should study it. The main reason that I said college students should study consumer ethics is because of music piracy and how popular it is among college students. These are my feelings on these two important subjects. Bibliography Schiffman, Leon G., Leslie Lazar Kanuk, and Joseph Wisenblit. Consumer Behavior. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 2010.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Hindu Gods in the Rig Veda :: essays research papers
The Hindu Tradition 1.) Agni Agni is mentioned as many different things such as: the household priest king god of sacrifice, most brilliant leader of all gods, wish granter, shines up in darkness, guardian of the order, lord of power and master of sacrificed food, always included in sacrifices to other gods, favorite priest, sharp sight of a poet, great speaker who inspires all with his shining speech, the first god to rejoice in human friendship, lord of tribes, the chief priest who finds riches and a combination of Indra (the strongest of all except Agni) and the wide striding Vishna who is worthy of reverence. Worshippers of Agni want to: hold a safe household, find riches and treasure, grow as a person in wealth and happiness, give animal (human?) sacrifice to him, be inspired by his speeches, protection of their tribes and always be granted what they wish for. Angiras Angiras was mentioned just once in this text as the mediator between heaven and Earth. This name is related to the English word: Angel. Varuna Varuna was said to have spread out the Earth, extended the air above the trees, put strength in horses, milk in cows, will power in the heart, fire in waters, the sun in heaven, Soma upon the mountains, caused rain by pouring his leather bag, moistened the Earth, to be the magic (maya) worker and measured the Earth to the Sun with a measuring rod. Worshippers of Varuna ask for reconciliation from him and forgiveness of sins or offenses. Mitra and Aryaman These two were listed but there were not any writings about them except that they did have powers. I wonder whether Aryaman is the Leader of the gods for the Aryan people or tribe. Manu The first man on Earth according to the Rig Veda, he is the Clan founder or Adam, Noah, Abraham or Moses. He is only listed on these texts. Indra Indra is mentioned in these texts as: the bull, the strongest of all that exist (except Agni), he is one of the most honored besides Agni, the warrior king of 33 gods of Manu, wielder of thunderbolt, a killer of dragons, killer of the first born dragon, overpowering the wily tricksters, the god who brought forth the sun, heaven and dawn, not having anymore enemies after Vritra, the greatest enemy of Indra, who challenged Indra, who is without shoulders. Indra killed Vritra with a thunderbolt, broke his nose and crushed him.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Case 5 consumer trends
In today’s world of rapidly changing consumer trends, it is only wise that companies try to keep up with these changes so as to remain in business. This is largely because the consumer is becoming more concerned with the products they consume e. g. effects of high calories. The analysis of the following case study affirms this change in consumer trends. 1. Consumer trends The changing consumer tastes is one of the driving forces behind product innovation. This is epitomized by the recent consumer trends like low ‘carb’ and going ‘green’.Trends like these have forced companies to come up with products/processes that meet consumer demands. Like the dot com craze of late 1990s, the low carb and environment awareness are largely fuelled by customer awareness. These trends are usually force companies to align their products with the changing preferences. And is rightly so because companies that defy these trends may suffer drop in revenues. An example is t he American carmakers that belatedly adopted hybrid technology when their Japanese counterparts were already benefiting from the technology.Such trends lead to the market flooding with similar companies has witnessed with the dot com bubble although the low carb and environmental preservation trends may persist because of the awareness of effects of high carbohydrates and environmental pollution. Most of the internet companies collapsed (Cable World 2001). 2. Threat to entrepreneurs The entry of industry giants like Dell and Gateway companies into the computer recycling business with present problems to Stampp Corbin in the sense that he might lack used computers to resale. Legislations may also be passed that does not allow the resale and disposal of used computers.Such laws may require that computers of a certain age cannot be resold. Laws governing electronic waste from computers can substantially affect the business. The recycling of the computers by manufacturers can lead to ch eaper production of new computers such that entrepreneurs like Stampp Corbin may lack the market for the used computers. The sensitive information in the used computers may also pose a serious threat of lawsuits if it accidentally falls in the wrong hands. The software used to delete this information may not be effective in the long run with the development of new technologies that could hold data permanently.All the above factors can affect Corbin’s business severely. 3. Competitive advantage Retro Box Company is one of the pioneers of the electronic recycling business and therefore the existence in the market for a long time leads to the company developing good business relations with the suppliers and customers also thus ensuring constant supply and availability of the market. Another advantage is the ability of Retro Box to safeguard itself from lawsuits that may result from leaked information. The company has done this by developing tailor made software that can erase su ch data completely.4. Protection from changing consumer preferences and laws One of the important factors that companies can do to avoid loss of business due to changing consumer preference is through innovation and anticipating future needs of consumers. Thereby the new product development will be guided by future consumer needs and expectations (PRNewswire 2008). The company also need to be aware of the effects that their products have on the environment and hence come up with innovative ways of dealing with there effects thus avoiding the need of regulations through laws which can be costly in the long run.Conclusion It is therefore paramount that companies embrace consumer trends through anticipating their needs and thus coming up with innovative products that keep up with changing preferences. References: Cable World (2001). MSO defies dot-com trend-Against the Grain. Retrieved on 30/4/2008 from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0DIZ/is_/ai_80191576 PRNewswire (2008). Foo d marketers challenged to meet consumer tastes in 2008. Retrieved on 30/4/2008 from http://www. reuters. com/article/pressRelease/idUS187846+29-Jan-2008+PRN20080129
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Porter’s five forces analysis on shipping industry
Objective of the report The main purpose of this report is: To have an overview of the Strategic Management of PAL. To assess different strategies applying different analytical concepts, tools and techniques of Strategic Management To provide suggestions for possible strategic erection for the Shipping industries in the coming days based on findings of the report. 1. 3. Methodology The company websites, annual reports, vision & mission, values and objectives, other booklets & manuals etc were studied to identify the strategies of the Shipping industries.Top level executives and other employees were also consulted to have their opinion on the rationale of different strategic moves of the company. The theoretical bases for the reports are primarily those taught as part of Strategic Management course. The industry competitiveness and outlook have been reviewed. The tools and techniques such as Strategic group mapping,PESTLE analysis, Porter's five forces model of competition, SOOT analy sis, Key Success Factors (SF), five basic generic business strategies and other strategies like alliance, diversification, etc were applied. . 4. Scope and limitations This report has covered key business strategies of the Shipping in relation to target customers. It also covered strategies in network expansion, operational strategies The report also has attempted to give insights in the strategies of product offering and differentiations, customer services, strategic alliance with other partners, verifications, industry competitiveness, Ethics and CARS, Corporate culture and leadership etc. The report also has certain limitation too.It has not been possible to managed due to time constraint. 2. Organizational Overview PAL is the world's seventh largest ocean carrier and global top 100 plushy chain solution provider in shipping which has the same Mother Company Neptune Orient Line (NOEL) About Neptune Orient Lines: Neptune Orient Lines (NOEL) is a Singapore-based global transportati on company, with core businesses in container transportation and supply chain management. Global strength of over 12,000 employees 0 Revenue amounting to US$8. Billion in 2013 Mol's shipping and supply chain businesses synergies to create total value chain' for its customers. PAL Liner: Container Shipping & Terminals 0 World's 7th largest shipping operator O SUDS. B revenue (IFFY) 0 160 + years of continuous operation 0 Global network serves 33,000+ locations in 150 countries 0 130+ vessels, 6. MM Tees, 10 terminals. PAL – Moving Business Forward PAL is the world's seventh largest ocean carrier, offering more than 80 weekly services and over 500 calls at more than 140 ports worldwide.We provide container transportation and value added supply chain management services through our international shipping network which combines high-quality intermediate operations with state-of-the-art information technology, equipment and e-commerce. Transportation and logistics company. With ov er 160 years of experience, PAL has the knowledge and the expertise to help our customers grow their businesses and negotiate in an increasingly complex and ever-changing global marketplace – whether that is venturing into new territories or growing in already developed markets.With our highly competitive transit times, petition for service reliability and excellence and commitment to sustainable global trade, shippers the world over place their trust in us to provide them the value they need to compete in today's global economy. Services Shipping services spanning the world's major trade lanes Extensive U. S. Intermediate network to facilitate inland reach Priority access to PAL owned and operated terminals on the U. S.West Coast and strategic terminals in Asia Vertical expertise o Refrigerated and climate-controlled cargo o Garments on Hanger PAL Fleet PAL has one of the international shipping industry most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly fleets PAL in vests in our equipment to ensure we provide customers with the most efficient services. We operate a modern fleet of approximately 150 vessels. In line with our environmental commitment, we continue to improve the performance and efficiency of our ships.The strength of our container fleet is closely matched to the demand for both lineal and feeder routes. Our own vessels are complemented by services with alliance partners and slot charter agreements that provide flexibility to adjust capacity and respond quickly to customer needs and new opportunities. The average age of PAL container ships is less than 9 years and every vessel is certified with the latest ISM (International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention) standards.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Abolishing Child Poverty
Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Its Bid To Abolish Child Poverty â€Å"Because a fair society and the strongest possible economy depend upon leaving no one behind, Britain must build on the reforms taking nearly one million children out of poverty and give every child the best possible start in life. So our ambition is - by the end of the next decade - child poverty reduced by half - on our way to ending child poverty within twenty years.†- The Chancellor of the Exchequer, pre-budget report November 1999 Poverty rates in Britain rose sharply in the 1980s. In 1979, 12% of the populations were poor. Poverty here is defined as having net household income below 60% of the median income, after housing cost. By 1999 this had risen to 24%. The situation is even bleaker for children, with almost a third of children living in poor households in 1999. Shortly after taking office the New Labour Government made a commitment to halve child poverty within a decade and to abolish it within two decades. The guiding principle in achieving this goal was the belief that the best route out of poverty is through work. Consequently, the government introduced a plethora of social policy reforms designed to â€Å"make work pay†for individuals who had languished on benefits for too long. The primary policy introduced to change work incentives was the Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC), but other important policies such as the National Minimum Wage, the various New Deals, refo rms to the National Insurance system, the lower rate of Income Tax and a National Childcare Strategy were all designed as part of a package of welfare to work policies. In addition, the government is tackling the poverty issue by raising benefits for non-working families. Distribution of poor children by work hours of household Total hours worked by all persons in household Actual poverty patterns 1999 Projected poverty in 1999 if wo... Free Essays on Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Abolishing Child Poverty Free Essays on Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Abolishing Child Poverty Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Its Bid To Abolish Child Poverty â€Å"Because a fair society and the strongest possible economy depend upon leaving no one behind, Britain must build on the reforms taking nearly one million children out of poverty and give every child the best possible start in life. So our ambition is - by the end of the next decade - child poverty reduced by half - on our way to ending child poverty within twenty years.†- The Chancellor of the Exchequer, pre-budget report November 1999 Poverty rates in Britain rose sharply in the 1980s. In 1979, 12% of the populations were poor. Poverty here is defined as having net household income below 60% of the median income, after housing cost. By 1999 this had risen to 24%. The situation is even bleaker for children, with almost a third of children living in poor households in 1999. Shortly after taking office the New Labour Government made a commitment to halve child poverty within a decade and to abolish it within two decades. The guiding principle in achieving this goal was the belief that the best route out of poverty is through work. Consequently, the government introduced a plethora of social policy reforms designed to â€Å"make work pay†for individuals who had languished on benefits for too long. The primary policy introduced to change work incentives was the Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC), but other important policies such as the National Minimum Wage, the various New Deals, refo rms to the National Insurance system, the lower rate of Income Tax and a National Childcare Strategy were all designed as part of a package of welfare to work policies. In addition, the government is tackling the poverty issue by raising benefits for non-working families. Distribution of poor children by work hours of household Total hours worked by all persons in household Actual poverty patterns 1999 Projected poverty in 1999 if wo...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Introduce, Discuss and Analyze The New Language of the Internet essays
Introduce, Discuss and Analyze The New Language of the Internet essays The Internet has changed the way we work, the way we play, and clearly the way we communicate. Some experts might even say the Internet has spawned its own dialect, with words such as "dot com," "blog," and "Web site" non-existent before the advent of the Internet. Some might call this a substandard form of English, but one linguist maintains, "'Nobody speaks "nonstandard" or "substandard" language,' Preston explains, 'unless they are regarded as nonstandard or substandard human beings'" (Fox 683). Therefore, the language of the Internet is just as viable and any other form of English spoken or used today. The language of the Internet is still forming, and evolving, and so, it is an interesting and even vital piece of language study, for it is not often that linguists get to study the very beginning and early evolution of a language or a dialect. Clearly, people communicate differently, and on different levels. This is true in everyday speech, and online, too. Teenagers speak a different dialect with their friends than they do with their parents, and bloggers online usually speak a different language than academic or news Web sites. Probably the biggest constant in language is that it is always changing. Someone that spoke and communicated in the same form of language that was used two hundred years ago, we would sound stilted and quite formal in today's world. One writer notes, "Fewer questions these days can effectively be answered with yes or no, while at the same time, a tidal surge of hype and mindless blather threatens to overwhelm old-fashioned conversation" (Johnson 689). Written language also changes with the times. The written language of an academic paper may resemble the formal English of earlier times, but the written English of a newspaper or magazine article may be more formal than spoken English, but it is still far less formal than the language us...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Updating Cookies in JavaScript
Updating Cookies in JavaScript Actually updating a cookie is slightly different from just replacing a cookie in that the new value we want to place in the cookie is dependent in some way on whether the cookie already exists and if so on what it contains. This means that we need to read the existing cookie before we can write a replacement for it. One thing to note is that when we read a cookie we have no way of telling when the existing cookie is due to expire or whether the cookie is restricted to a specific folder or available across the entire domain. You need to set a new retention period when you replace the cookie and need to keep track of what scope you want the cookie to have within your pages so as to apply the same domain or path option each time. The only thing that you are actually able to read when updating rather than just replacing a cookie is the actual value of the data stored in the cookie. In this example, we are going to use a cookie named accesscount to count the number of times that our visitor has accessed our page where no more than seven days has elapsed between visits. Should more than seven days elapse between visits then the cookie will expire and the next visit will restart counting from zero. We are using the allCookies() and writeCookie() functions from the prior examples so the only piece of new code we need in order to actually do the update is in the last two lines. var cookie;allCookies function() {var cr, ck, cv;cr []; if (document.cookie ! ) {ck document.cookie.split(; );for (var ick.length - 1; i 0; i) {cv ck.split();cr[ck[0]]ck[1];}}return cr;};writeCookie function(cname, cvalue, days,opt) {var dt, expires, option;if (days) {dt new Date();dt.setTime(dt.getTime()(days*24*60*60*1000));expires ; expiresdt.toGMTString();} else expires ;if (opt) {if (/ substr(opt,0,1)) option ; pathopt;else option ; domainopt;} else option ;document.cookie cnamecvalueexpiresoption;}cookie allCookies();if (cookie.accesscount ! null) writeCookie(mycookie, cookie.accesscount 1,7);else writeCookie(mycookie, 1,7);
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life - Research Paper Example There is no end in sight to the pro-life versus pro-choice argument. The pro-life argument is against the practice of abortion and the legalizing of abortion. In the pro-life argument, the main point of view is surprisingly supported both by religion and science. The religious perspective is that life begins at conception. It is a gift of God and human beings do not have the right to deny this life from seeing the light of day. This makes abortion tantamount to murder. Science supports this argument through its findings that the fetus starts to display several determinants of life at a very early stage. Thus the main basis of the argument against abortion is based on the fetus as an individual life separated from that of the mother, and that it is wrong to destroy such life. It also goes on to argue that abortion is the denial of the right to life of the fetus, and by abetting abortion, society would be guilty of denial of the rights of the fetus The other perspectives against abortion include the harm that abortions cause the mother and the impact of abortions on society. Abortions are unsafe and can lead to severe complications for the woman immediately after the abortion, or in terms of long term complications, including the dreaded breast cancer. Other complications could be demonstrated at the time of delivery of a child, should the woman choose to have a baby later. The impact on society lies in two arguments. The first is the economic costs to society as a result of abortion. The second argument is that if the fetus is morally expendable, child abuse is bound to arise. Instead of abortion, avoidance of unnecessary pregnancies could be brought about through the use of contraceptives or abstinence from sexual activity. (2) Â
Connection Journal about Mutualism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Connection Journal about Mutualism - Essay Example Facultative mutualism is a relationship that exists between two species that depend and benefit from each other by living in close association. However, this two species do not need each other for survival. One species can live without the other but it isbeneficial when both species live together.A good example is the relationship that exists between the cleaner fish and the large fish. The cleaner fish feeds on small organisms and the parasites found on the bodies of larger fish. The larger fish in return is relieved of unwelcome guests which affects their body fitness. Obligate mutualism, on the other hand, is a relationship that exists between two individuals that depend on each other for survival. Both species must live close to each other so that they can survive. A good example is the bees and the flowers. The bee must obtain nectar and propolis from the flowers so as to make honey and feed the colony. In return, the bee transfers pollen aiding in pollination thus reproducti on in the flowers. Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship that exists between two species where one species (parasite) benefits at the expense of the other (host). A slight difference exist between mutualism and parasitism. Mutualism will only exist as long as benefits acquire by each species outweighs the cost. When the opposite holds,mutualism becomes parasitism. In many cases, were mutualism exists, one species benefits more than the other thus it is similar to parasitism. Trillium grandiflorumis dispersed by insects.
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